quote: The Vertigo's appearances on TV haven't been too great. There aren't a lot of Track users either so the super heavy-oil handling capabilities of the GP2 aren't likely to be seen by many. The Absolute does look awesome though!--------------------
quote:The Vertigo's appearances on TV haven't been too great.
quote:It's not the ball; it's the bowler.
quote: It's not the ball; it's the bowler.
quote:I agree.And - the Vertigo got VERY high marks for sport condition in last month's BTM.
quote:quote:I agree.And - the Vertigo got VERY high marks for sport condition in last month's BTM. Amen to that one also. About as high as I have seen on the sport condition and then besides the sport condition, to have high marks in Oily and Medium Lanes also.....Will be interesting to see if the Absolute can match those high marks or not.--------------------Why do you need my signature?....You know who I am.
quote:Sorry, but I just don't buy
quote:I think he's saying "hijack" based on the fact that you guys turned a discussion of Duke and the absolute, to about the Vertigo, and BTM