Andrew, although not 100%, I do put some stock into the BTM ratings in terms of their rating for oil-medium-dry-etc. Also core torque, length and backend ratings. Now it can depend some on the style of the person throwing a ball. I know they are not 100% accurate, but their reviews do hold some value and I use them to a certain extent when I buy balls. For example I bought the Storm Depth Charge and Storm Extreme based on their ratings and I couldn't have been happier with them. I also bought the Brunswick Impulse Zone based on their ratings and again, I couldn't be happier with it. Those 3 balls matched their ratings as close as I could ever expect. I also pay attention when they say "a certain ball will over run the break point if the oil, etc. etc." or another example, "put it up when the head oil starts to go away" and so forth.
BTM's ratings are not accurate by any means, but some of the information is useful and is a guide line that can be used for purchasing a ball for certain conditions.....At least they are for me, anyhow. Now, I am going to shortly buy an Absolute or a Vertigo or a GP2 as soon as I can see what BTM says about the Absolute. Then once I choose one of the balls, I'll talk to people that throw it and then decide. I've already done this for the GP2 and found that it may work for me for what I want it for. Based on it's higher RG, the recommended drilling for my style by Track, and my low revs, it will give me more length than BTM said it did, yet give me the torque and backend that BTM rated it for.
Please excuse me for making this so long, but I was just trying to point out to you that I do use the BTM ratings to a certain extent and they usually work for me. Not always, but they do work for me more times than naught.
PS:...You and I have really highjacked this topic now.

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