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Author Topic: I'm gonna get me a Dyno-Thane Eagle; too much luck involved with using a Zone Classic! (smiley face)  (Read 4670 times)


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If Mika hadn't carried that 2 pin jumble in the 2nd/3rd frame and pulled that ball about 5 boards inside around the 8th frame, Jim Pratt would be the current PBA champ. Having a plastic ball beat a specially tuned, special forumlated resin ball would have been the ultimate step back towards Bowling's integrity!!   pity.

(Darn emoticons won't work in the subject!
Of course this was all in jest. Some people do need to take a chill pill, ocassionally.)

Edited on 3/6/2005 5:39 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."



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If you consider bowling to be a game of accuracy, consistent delivery, and speed control, Pratt outbowled Mike today, no question about it.

Mika's ball was all over the place; light swishers, trip buckets, you name it.  The super-powerful ball that we've all come to rely upon gave him pin-mixing carry that Pratt didn't have.

No doubt about it, the better bowler lost today.
Cogito ergo bowl


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What I consider the game to be is completely irrelevant.

Bowling is a game of results;  nothing more, nothing less.  The final score is all that matters.  Others may quibble at the methods achieved to obtain those results, but that doesn't change the outcome.
Better to be a big fish in a small pond than not to be a big fish at all.

Horrid in Doubles, torrid in Singles...
...that's The Curse of Dusty.


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No doubt about it, the better bowler lost today.


Check the points list, it disproves what you just said.
Check the titles list, that also disproves what you just said.

Dunno if you were paying attention to Jim today, but he pulled about 5 balls left and through the beak. Luckily, he got 8 pins in the first match when he should have got 6.

He was using plastic, do you consider that a handicap if that is all he can match up with?
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Nick Smith
Digital Media Manager - Brunswick Bowling


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Gotta agree with Nick on this. I told someone else in a message: I would have bet a stack of dollars that once Mika won the semi-final, his accuracy on this tricky pattern (Made worse by the plastic ball's carrydown) would dramatically increase. I suspected he'd win before I saw how well Jim Pratt bowled for being on TV for the very first time. While I said and stand by the fact that he carried 2 lucky shots, the rest of his were hardly off at all: he was mentally and physically focused. I was surprised it was as close as it was for those first 8-9 frames.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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I must say, I was very impressed with Mr. Pratt's game. To throw the type of ball he did, to do as well as he did, to me shows the mental part of the game that some feel is the balls job. As it was, to me, it shows you do not have to have the "biggest and baddest' thing out there to do good. It's the thing behind the ball that makes the score. Sure the ball is important, but it shows , given the knowledge of the ball, lanes, that just about any type of ball, thrown by the right person, can have great results.
I have only seen 2 300 games personally, never come close, myself, but the first was in 1962..and I can't remember the ball, but I'd guess it was not much more than what Mr. Pratt threw Sunday. IMO, knowing yourself, your limits your ball the lanes and yes..a bit of luck, anyone can shoot a great score and win with just about anything.

my 2 cents are up
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Jim bowled great, but Mika bowled better.

I think I would have to disagree.  The proper quote might be... Jim bowled great and Mika carried a bunch of garbage.  To consistant "hook" a plastic ball on a tough condition and keep it in the pocket... especially with 2 fingers is amazing.  To trip 2 pins forward while barely clipping the head pin is lucky.

-Strapper Squared

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