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Author Topic: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs  (Read 5336 times)


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Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« on: December 21, 2006, 08:57:14 PM »
One of my teammates mentioned last night that it looked like my ball speed was down. This is probably from a chronic shoulder problem. I was thinking about dropping ball weight to try to make up the old speed. My question is what is the difference in hitting power of a 14 lbs ball vs a 15lbs balls, is it significant or has ball technology brought it the numbers closer together. Is it worth dropping the weight? I would really appreciate if one of the Bruns guys (Bob, Ric, or Nick) could weigh in on this for me. Thanks for taking the time,



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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2006, 05:00:49 AM »
i'll let you know tonight. I'm drilling up a couple 14# balls becasue of a bum shoulder.

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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2006, 05:58:17 AM »
I dropped weight about 2 years ago and really didnt notice a difference in carry or hitting power but did notice that I felt fresher and less fatigue in my hand and fingers. It also helped me in my leverage and finish position at the line and no longer felt as if I was fighting the ball when I missed my push away a touch. Its not for every one though but the majority of people I know that made the change like it. When people find out I throw 14's the find it hard to believe because of the pin action I get. One thing to take into consideration is to start off with strong drillings and low rg balls. I found that when I first dropped weight that I would have a tendency to throw the ball through the break point and that not all balls are created equal in 14#. Some manufactures really tweak the cores between 14# and 15# exspecialy in the mid price lines. Storm is paticularly bad about this and hammer the rg and diff really seem to have quite a difference between the 15# and 14# balls and is noticeable more so on the lanes when I compared 2 of the same balls but different weights. I really prefer the lower rg stuff because they dont lope as much and they arent as sensitive to rev and speed changes. I have been bowling better since I figured these things out and have shot back to back 300 twice this season and 6- 300's this season overall and 3- 800's while averageing 241 at one house and 233 at another. If I can be of any more help let me know, I or someone else may be able to help out.


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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2006, 07:35:35 AM »
Strictly from an observation point of view of two bowlers I know that made this change: High rev bowler was an easy ajustment with no loss in carry, low rev straight bowler saw a drop in carry % and went back to his 15lb equipment. Probably did not stay with it long enough for a true test. The gurus will no more, but take this for what it's worth.


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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2006, 07:47:39 AM »
Last year I dropped from 15# to 14# because of hand problems.  I have seen no loss in carry or power.  The only thing I notice is ocasionally I will throw ball with too much speed.  I don't see me ever going back up in weight.  IMP 15# has the best numbers out of all the weights, however many of the 14's have very similar numbers when compared to 16's.  Just my opinion


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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2006, 08:30:45 AM »
I think you may find that the two weights have just as much hit, but carry will be different.  Hits that used to carry with 15# won't with 14# and hits that didn't carry with the heavier weight now do.  You might leave more 5-pins on light hits because of deflection while not leaving as many 9-pins on high hits for the same reason.



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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2006, 08:44:54 AM »
Took a different route on this topic. For an experiment,
I took a 14# 10 OZ and after drilling, was a 14 1/2
exactly and drilled it for a extremely dry house which
no matter how I tried, it was hard to keep my speed
up enough to conquer the shot. Have run a 684 and 723
the last two weeks, with about a 1 to 1 1/2 mph different
according to the screen. Carry was not at a loss, but when
I drilled a 14# (starting weight) in the summer, I noticed
a difference in carry. The 1/2 pound was a great experiment
if you can find them.
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)


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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2006, 08:59:43 AM »
It will depend on your bowling style. If you have enough revs on the ball to take advantage of the technology you will not notice a difference in carry. In fact you might see an improvement. Also I beleive a lighter ball will make a better move to the pocket because it will change direction faster.


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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2006, 06:47:01 PM »
I hurt my wrist this fall, just before I started a new job in construction, so I had to lay off bowling for a month.  Since then, I have had a couple balls drilled up in 14 lb, where everything I used previously was 15 lb.  With the 14 lb balls my scores have been very consistant, and I actually get more revs on the ball since it is easy to follow through.  Also, hitting my mark seems like less effort, and I am less tired after bowling.  The 14lb stuff seems to carry well, especially on light hits.  As for ball deflecting off pins, I don't see this as an issue.  I think you would notice this on a 12 or 13 lb ball, but it is not a problem for me on 14lb balls.

I feel I am getting greater recovery than ever with the 14lb balls, and I am going to stick with them.  My suggestion to you would be if you have a favorite 15lb ball and drilling, duplicate that one in 14lb and see how you like it, before investing further.  The lighter ball does give me the ability to change ball speed if I need to as lanes start to break down.



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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2006, 08:03:05 PM »
your "typical" bowler will not carry as well with a 14lb. ball. a high rev power player may indeed carry better due to his increased angle of entry and it less likely to be tapped by solid hits.


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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2006, 08:16:42 PM »
I have too gone to 14 lb equipment and have not noticed much loss in carry my brother a former regional player went to 14 lbs about three years ago because of a shoulder injury. He currently averages 230 and was in the top five in average in our New England bowlers monthly scraych tournaments. The key is to matchup your equipment with your game.
Ray Lathrop
Raymond Lathrop
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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2006, 11:07:34 PM »
I dropped this year, and the reason was simply because I could no longer throw 15 pound equipment. THe shoulder injury I fought all last year finally caught up to me.

Since dropping, and finally getting my timing back, I am much more comfortable throwing 14 over 15. Additionally, I discussed the change with Chris Warren when he was in town for a regional. He said that the lower weight resulted in a higher differential, therefore I might see an INCREASE in carry. That's a good thing. Jury's still out on that, but he might have something.
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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2006, 11:11:41 PM »
I dropped from 15 to 14 this year and now have better pin carry along with more strikes and way fewer 10 Pins.

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Re: Educated Opinions 14 lbs vs 15lbs
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2006, 11:49:08 AM »
On well-thrown shots, you won't see much difference in carry.  Depending on your style and the conditions, your carry may get better, or it may not.

The big difference is on poorly-thrown shots, like light pocket.  The lighter ball just doesn't throw the pins around as well as a heavier ball.

Your mileage may vary.
Cogito ergo bowl