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Author Topic: Experiment: Monster Slay/R First Impressions  (Read 1803 times)


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Experiment: Monster Slay/R First Impressions
« on: July 29, 2004, 09:14:51 AM »
I started with this ball as an experiment.  I was looking for something to be along the lines of my favorite ball of all time, my Nighthawk Revenge drilled 1 x 1, weighthole on PAP.  This was my most even reading piece I've ever own, and one of the hardest hitting balls I've ever used period.  It really hurt me when the bridge cracked out so bad cause I never found a suitable replacement.  Until now.

I was thinking how could I make this weak cover, high RG pearl with a tall skinny flippy block, similar to the Particle Pearl med RG Nighthawk Revenge with a big Fat rolly block.  I figured since the N.R. was drilled 1x1, I could go 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 or 2x2 on the Slay R to give me a little more pop than roll, but still be along the line of Axis leverage.  So I went with the 1 1/2 x 1 1/2, weighthole on the PAP to take back to 1/8 pos sideweight, and dulled it to 1200 grit to give me more in the midlane.  

WOW!  This experiment really worked.  It's almost like a carbon copy reaction.  Nice strong forward roll, with a read of the midlane and great pop out of the dry on the backend.  I took this flippy drier lane ball and turned it to a medium condition and over under house shot killer.  Even though I bowled terribly bad tonight I got a feel of this ball off of the 12 or so shots I threw it and it was amazing.  Really revved hard all the way down the lane and finished really strong through the rack.  This might just take the place of my even reading Time Zone as my benchmark piece in my bag.  I was skeptical on the Bruiser, but I wouldn't mind trying one now that I see what the Slay R is capable of.
-DJ Marshall
You're not Bowling if you're not using "B"runswick



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Re: Experiment: Monster Slay/R First Impressions
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2004, 12:36:58 AM »
Pin is 2 inches on the Slay R.  The Nighthawk Revenge was 2 inches as well.
-DJ Marshall
You're not Bowling if you're not using "B"runswick


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Re: Experiment: Monster Slay/R First Impressions
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2004, 07:43:32 PM »
Mine (Slay/R) is drilled 5x5, with pin just below the center of the bridge and CG immediately below the pin, about 2" pin-CG distance. I had to add just a little polish to get the skid I wanted/needed. As such it is NOT a skid/flip ball, but a smooth transition ball; hits decently hard also.

Mr. Marshall's experience has me tempted to drill one with a like, 2x2 drilling (but not closer to the PAP than that), however, I have too many balls already for such an experiment.

I have tried 3 Revenge's, 2x15 lb and 1 x 16 lb. They only seem to work, for me, with some polish and 5x4 drilling. I think they're a ball that needed more apparent ball speed than I can muster.
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Re: Experiment: Monster Slay/R First Impressions
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2004, 07:51:11 PM »
has anyone tried a pin over ring fingercg stacked drill on this ball?if so, how did the ball react?

When I got my SlayR, I was advised by someone at Brunswick to not put the pin above the fingers, as this might cause the ball to miss the breakpoint altogether.  So I drilled mine pin-below, CG stacked, and it rolled great.
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Re: Experiment: Monster Slay/R First Impressions
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2004, 09:05:14 PM »
WELL - That explains why I HATE MINE!!!!!


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Re: Experiment: Monster Slay/R First Impressions
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2004, 07:14:02 AM »
when i bought my monster slayR rick benoit of brunswick told you that i would need some dry to get this ball to move----he also told me to not go to it too soon. he recommended that i use a drilling pattern that i usually use on most of my balls( basically a positive label shift ). that and to make sure i got the ball down the lane i had it wetsanded very fine( 2,000 grit )and had the coverstock finished with several cycles in the lustrekleen machine. this ball goes WAY down the lane with a nice, even read. very predictable roll. i couldn't really ask for more in a drier condition ball.