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Author Topic: Explanation Needed....  (Read 947 times)


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Explanation Needed....
« on: January 24, 2007, 11:52:09 AM »
Ok here's the deal.  I have an OI and its got probably about 50 games on it.  I havent thrown the ball in a while until yesterday because of coverstock problems.  The coverstock had just soaked up so much oil that it just sat on the surface of the ball no matter how long you let it. I had the surface at OOB condtion, but needless to say the reaction was terrible.  Anyway I decided to throw the ball into a revivor to release all the oil, I leave in there 20-25 minutes and nothing comes out.  I try again, nothing comes out.  The revivor always worked with all my other balls so i thought that this one was dead for good.  Here's the strange part.  Today I decided to furiously sand the ball with 180 grit to try and do something to fix the cover.  I did it for about 10 minutes just grinding at it, i then sand it back up to 500 grit and re-polish it.  Threw the ball, and the reaction was like brand new.  No surface oil, just a great reaction.  The shot was a fresh oiled THS, so im kinda confused on why these happended.  Why did the revivor not work when resurfacing did.  The heat always fixed my oil soaked pieces but with this one, it didn't.  I'm also curious to see how long this reaction will last.
Move left, hook it more.....

Tommy Jones is a Gamecock fan...are you???

Edited on 1/24/2007 8:51 PM
Philipp Hudak
Ebonite Amateur Staff
Bowl To Win!