I must say, I was very impressed with Mr. Pratt's game. To throw the type of ball he did, to do as well as he did, to me shows the mental part of the game that some feel is the balls job. As it was, to me, it shows you do not have to have the "biggest and baddest' thing out there to do good. It's the thing behind the ball that makes the score. Sure the ball is important, but it shows , given the knowledge of the ball, lanes, that just about any type of ball, thrown by the right person, can have great results.
I have only seen 2 300 games personally, never come close, myself, but the first was in 1962..and I can't remember the ball, but I'd guess it was not much more than what Mr. Pratt threw Sunday. IMO, knowing yourself, your limits your ball the lanes and yes..a bit of luck, anyone can shoot a great score and win with just about anything.
my 2 cents are up
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro
www.rlbowlerspro.comSleep is over rated.