If you polish with pressure on the lighter side and for short time periods, will achieve the grit labeled on the bottle. I believe I said 2000 grit once but have since backed off to 1500 grit on the Storm 320-800 Grit Step 1, polish and 2000 grit-plus on the Storm 320-1500 Grit Step 2 polish. That is if you use heavy pressure or burn these polishes in as Charlest says. I Emailed Storm at the time and questioned them about obtaining a higher grit shine than that labeled on the bottle and they said "yes you will get a higher shine if you use hard pressure and longer periods of polishing."
To sum it up, lets say you want your ball sanded and left at 600 grit and you polish with 320-800 and 320-1500 grit polishes you are going to end up with a higher grit higher than 600 on your ball and if you pressure (burn in) these polishes, you are going to have a final grit of way higher than 600 on your ball.
Why do you need my signature?....You know who I am.

Edited on 2/11/2005 12:05 PM