Here's a pic of the layout, SFTP style: I was working on changing my tilt and staying more behind the ball. What I noticed was a ball path similar to Brad Angelo's roll, but a bit slower as I am still getting used to rolling the ball different. The pattern was the ABC Nationals shot, which I found very fair and challenging. That'd be an awesome shot to bowl league on. I found it playable from three different angles. Fresh, I had my best reaction playing 14(arrows)-9(Breakpoint) with a Dull Track Champ. As they broke down I was able to go 11-6 with a dull Seafoam Tornado and bank it out of the O.B. When I picked up the PowerGroove Pearl I was immediately impressed by the strength of this ball at the breakpoint. It outrecovered both of these and made the two bright blue beauties look like dog-ish. I was able to get as deep as 34 with my feet and go through 4th arrow to about 7 at the breakpoint. I couldn't believe how much I was able to open up the condition with Brunswick's "weakest" piece. This ball turned the corner so dramatically and late but still provided enough control for me to throw strike after strike on this pattern.
Compared to my Inferno on the same pattern, it's a good 5 feet later and 5 boards sharper off the breakpoint(My inferno is drilled with a 3inch pin to PAP placement). I am so impressed I am going to order another from buddies(I think I'll get a little sexier with the colors and opt for the slightly stronger Chrome/Yellow version and stay with a 4 inch pin placement, but under the fingers, shifting the C.G way right and drilling a large weighthole into the PAP for a nice hook/set type reaction.
For the 70bucks I paid for it, you can't beat the reaction. I'm anxious to see how it will fair on my house shot in the same house. I know that bowling with this ball on the pattern gave me the confidence to believe that I could play the ABC tournament. Now only if I had my head on straight, my spare game at an all time high, and the money to make a trip out there, I'd do it.

Awesome ball, and boy does it look like the Tude III rolling down the lane.
