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Author Topic: Finally had success with the inferno....  (Read 1160 times)


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Finally had success with the inferno....
« on: January 06, 2004, 04:48:43 PM »
For those not following along, I've had trouble with my inferno fitting inbetween my Raging and my Frenzy....

When I first tried the inferno is wasn't much stronger than my Frenzy.  The next week on the lanes I had scuffed it slightly with a scotch brite (grey) and hit it with some Track clean and smooth (1500 grit)...which helped slightly, but I was considering sell it because it still wasn't a predictable move from the Raging.


I sanded it with 800 yesterday before going to the lanes.  IT IS A WHOLE NEW BALL!!!  I threw the Raging (suprisingly) well into the 3rd game before it started burning up early.  In the 10th I figured I'd try the inferno just to see if the 800 grit sanding would help or I'd be selling it.....

The reaction was perfect!  Less than the raging, but predictably less...and much stronger than the Frenzy.  It took 3 tries to figure it out but I think I have it now....

Just thought I'd share this with you...

Thanks to all that told me to stick with it!