Um, I frequent this forum, and the only ball I've really seen complaints about is the Radical, I can't remember seeing really anything negative about the Rampage, and I haven't seen an over/under Rampage myself. I've drilled quite a few of them for people . . and a few Fired Up's, I was just relating my own personal experience. If we want to get into the experience I've had drilling both these balls for other people, we can, I just didn't figure there was a need to. An opinion was asked, and opinions are being offered, since when is an opinion wrong? The majority rules in someone making a decision, since when does that not count anymore? I was offering up what I've seen. Haven't seen a good Fired Up, haven't seen a bad Rampage, how does my opinion count for any less than anyone else's whether they agree with me or not? What makes one person's opinion worth any more than another's? Is there EVER a clear cut definite opinion about one ball or another? I'm sure there was someone out there that actually liked their Savage Flip or X-Factor Ace, but my experiences don't put me in their camp. There are people that haven't liked their Classic Zone Red Pins, but I wouldn't go to a tournament without mine, so again, who's right? Aren't we splitting hairs here? People complain about their Smokin Infernos too, I've loved both that I had. I can see where it'd be a horrible ball for some people, but it works for me. I haven't seen the Fired Up work for anyone, and I haven't seen the Rampage miss yet, and I've drilled probably 15+ Rampages and 5 or 6 Fired Ups, not to mention all the others I've seen thrown and heard people talk about. Why are we getting so upset about another dime a dozen ball comparison post?
Overdose, lethal metal level in my blood, it freely flows, embrace the pain, crush the suffering and cleanse it with the river surging through your veins.