Even though I can't afford it, and was mildly sure it'd be yet another failed drilling experience, I pulled the Ambush off the wall and put some holes in it. I drilled it with the pin above and to the right of the ring finger, and the cg about 2 inches right of my grip midline (it's somewhere in between stacked and label). The idea was to get it to roll like my Red Pin, but hook more and earlier. Given many recent drillings that left me altogether confused at why on earth the balls weren't doing what they were supposed to be doing, I wasn't too confident at all. Well I'll be darned if I didn't nail it for once. It does EXACTLY what I wanted it to, and EXACTLY what it was supposed to do. The thing is unbelievably awesome. Perfect compliment to my RP. May need a tad bit of polish to keep it from eating up the track too quickly, but it rolls excellently.
So explain this to me. A stacked Depth Charge that hardly flares or hooks. A stacked Vertigo that flares little, doesn't rev, flattens out, and doesn't hit. A stacked Super Charge that was drilled exactly identical to a previous one I had (it was beat up, that's why I got the new one, I still have the old one) that reacts nothing like the previous one. A stacked Fired Up that rolled out. A Diablo drilled the same as my Ambush that acted the same as my Vertigo. An Ace drilled pin over ring, cg stacked that was the most squirty over/under ball I've thrown.
Ok, now I'll name all the Brunswick balls that I've drilled and haven't liked. A used Raging Inferno that rolled great and hit great, but somehow managed not to carry anything. That's it. All the ones I've loved? 3 Raging Reds, 2 Purple Fuzes, a Detonator, Scream/R, Time Zone, Strike Zone, Smokin Inferno, Classic Zone Red Pin, Purple Monster, and now the Ambush. I'm sure there's a few I forgot too. Am I just stupid or something? Must be . .
New member of the Metal Militia!!! If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die. And not get to be a member . .\m/!!!