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Author Topic: First outing with the Meanstreak  (Read 2511 times)


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First outing with the Meanstreak
« on: December 14, 2012, 01:19:56 AM »
I picked up a Meanstreak today and was very pleased after two games with it.

I have Versa-max that allows me to play a very direct line to the pocket. A perfect down-and-in ball for a stroker like me. I wanted the Meanstreak for when the lane starts to break down so I could play a deeper line and throw it out there to bump it off the friction.

My driller laid it out 60x4x65, which put the pin below the ring and the CG kicked out slightly. Then I hit the lanes.

I spent the first 4 frames getting lined up and then went 6 in a row. This was on a broken down house shot in a house with a new Kegel machine known for putting down a very long pattern with heavy oil in the middle.

While my Versa-max struck easily playing anywhere between the 2nd and 3rd arrows, anything outside the 10 and it didn't come back. The Meanstreak went longer than the VM, but it loved it outside 10 and made a nice, controlled move of the friction back to the pocket. Exactly what I wanted. I actually was standing two boards right with the Meanstreak but throwing it out and watching it hook back.

Given the length of the oil pattern, I imagine I will see an even bigger difference between the balls on shorter oil.

For any of you familiar with the Brunswick Damage, think about that ball's length with a lot more backend. Seeing as I don't see much oil out this way, this is looking to be a good THS ball. I have an Aura on the way and between all three balls I think I should be pretty much covered.

I can't wait to get some more games on this ball!



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Re: First outing with the Meanstreak
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2012, 03:09:41 PM »
asked my pro shop guy about getting veresa max and meanstreak... he said not enough difference to use as 1, 2 punch in my bag but after reading your review few see there is enough of a difference to own having owned the damage and wish never got rid of the ball...i will be buying mean streak sometime next year....
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Re: First outing with the Meanstreak
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2012, 03:24:31 PM »
i have 3 versa's in my bag right now & drilled a meanstreak a month ago.(all 4 balls are drilled different.) let me tell you, there is enough difference between them to justify having both pieces. the meanstreak has extra push thru the fronts, a different roll characteristic & little quicker response to friction. i have mine drilled 4 1/2 X 5 1/4 pin below bridge. it's a very benchmark type roll, especially when the lanes start;s to wear in a little. i'll eventually drill another one because i like this ball so much.


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Re: First outing with the Meanstreak
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2012, 06:58:30 PM »

Can you post a pic of how your Versa-Max is drilled for a direct down and in shot?  Thanks!
« Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 07:05:40 PM by TonyS »


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Re: First outing with the Meanstreak
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2012, 09:44:36 PM »

Can you post a pic of how your Versa-Max is drilled for a direct down and in shot?  Thanks!

It's a standard CG in grip pin at 1:30 label drill. Sorry I don't know the dual angles on this one but my PAP is 4 3/8 over and 1/16 up for what it's worth.  I had the Meanstreak drilled by a guy who does dual angle because after reading up on it here and other places, I am convinced the system is the best way to fine-tune a ball's reaction.  I used the Meanstreak again today on a broken down house shot and the ball did exactly what he said it would with that layout.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 12:41:21 AM by dougb »


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Re: First outing with the Meanstreak
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2012, 01:02:11 AM »
Thanks for the info.