I was at a supplier trade show this summer and Brunswick had Mika demonsrtating their new line. They had a Radidcal Inferno with four weight holes drilled 1" x 3" deep at the 4 positions in their drill sheet. flare decrease 2 1/4 toward grip from axis, flare increase 2 1/4 away from grip, bowtie raising flare increasing on VAL below PAP 2 1/4, and flare decrease bowtie lowering on VAL above PAP 2 1/4. They then had removeable plugs made that they could take in and out of the ball. Mika threw the ball with all the plugs in, and then they removed one at a time and actually showed you the oil rings on the ball and you could see a very dramatic difference when each of the weight holes were used. Ball reaction was also quite different with each. Mika also stood and threw the same line with each shot, which was cool because the decreasing flare left a washout, and the flare increase climbed high enough to leave the 3 6 10. Mika also explained the changes in his thick accent and why he liked or disliked each ball reaction. On patterns that are too jumpy in the back, he actually likes the flare increase, bowtie raise drill and weight hole because the ball will over flare and his bowtie migrates enough to flare over his early oil rings from the heads and actully tames the backend from catching these oil rings....This guy does repeat shots and can put some stuff on the ball when he wants. Pretty cool demo. They also went to the detail of making the remveable plugs so the densities and weights did not change the original balls dynamics when they were back in the ball.
If you ever get a chance to go to a Brunswick demo don't miss it, Al