Mainzer, we cleary have different thought processes about setting up an arsenal. I've been to many tournaments where a certain ball drilled different has made no difference on the lane because of the simple fact that it stil creates the same shape. Which is why I feel having a different ball altogether is a much better option than the same ball with different surface prep and layout. There are more times when I ball just doesn't read the lane correctly because of core rather simple surface prep. This is when you need a different ball, different shape all together.
Just my feelings, but I do also understand your side.
<div>From what I have seen every one of the big companies creates a ball for all reactions and conditions. To say that one companies is better than anothers is hard to prove. </div>
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<div>I disagree with the last statment, to many covers and cores can create confusion when going from ball to ball in tourney play. I would rather take two of the same ball one drilled strong and one drilled weak ball up or down as needed than go from company to company.</div>
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<fieldset><legend><a href="javascript:UserProfile(32332);">NoseofRI</a> wrote on 4/26/2012 4:47 PM:</legend><em>
<div>Mainzer, </div>
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<div>Plus, I would put the challenge that someone having a variety of equipment will fair much better than someone with strictly one brand over a long run of tournaments.