Ever have a brain p00t during league or bowling for dollars where you couldn't figure out what was wrong and then after it was over, you remembered everything you did wrong?
I played in a no-tap tourney last night. Played straight up the 2 board with my SlayR.
O.Op (pin is drilled thru)
The first 2 shots were dead flush. Then my head started to hurt and I broke out in a cold sweat. The 3rd shot my body wasn't cooperating at all. I pulled every shot.

I wasn't feeling well from the beginning so I prolly shouldn't have bowled. Suck when I can't even shoot a duece in 9-pin.
Does anyone have a little something they do each and everytime they roll the ball to remind themselves of what they need to do?
Solid 7 Pin?? 299 Game??!! WTF 
Edited on 1/31/2005 3:21 PM