Compared to much of the industry it was a pretty long run. Just because other balls stayed current longer, it doesn't mean that every ball should.
In addition, some of the balls that stayed current for long periods were during the time when Brunswick was switching production plants, working out any kinks, and trying to catch up with production. This is not an "overnight" process.
Regardless, should you choose to pick up a Blast Zone it will probably cost you less in the near future, right? I have seen balls from other companies that were immensely popular with our customers, but were a "limited or special edition" and after a couple months (literally) were gone.
Change is part of life, not just the bowling industry. Some balls will stick around longer while others won't. If you want a certain ball enough that you question it's "demise", then why didn't you buy one months ago? No big deal, buy it for less while you can.
Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff