Here's some drill info from Robert Lawrence that he posted on that may be of some help:
Although Scarter mentioned drilling one in Vegas 2 X 2, we don't recommend drilling these with anything less that 4 1/2" pin to PAP. Actually, I would stick with 5 to 5 1/2" pin to PAP. For heavier oil, and if your track is not too close to the holes to begin with, keep the pin below the finger area. For more length keep the pin up above them. Also, if you want the ball with less surface, we had better results using just abralon pads up to 4000 rather than using any type of polish. I took one of my Fury's to 4000 and you would swear I polished it. It is plenty long and plenty strong downlane.
By the way, for best adaptability after drilling, kick the CG out at least 1" so you will have the ability to add an extra hole after having the chance to throw the ball and see what it does. Do this in practice so that you're not throwing an illegal ball during competition. Then you can add a hole in a position that will fine tune the ball to what you were hoping to see more or less of. Between the extra hole and surface preperation, you should be able to make this ball exactly what you need. And it hits like a ......... TANK, as a few have mentioned.