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Author Topic: Fury.........delayed again.  (Read 10840 times)


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  • Brian S.
Fury.........delayed again.
« on: February 22, 2007, 01:25:54 AM »
It appears now that will not be shipping until next monday........................



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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2007, 11:01:24 AM »
Not too mention if you buy from a reputable shop they will take care of the ball if something happens i.e. cracks in which case they probably have one in stock and they will drill it up.  At least I do for my customers.  If you buy from the internet, the shop doesn't garunteee them, then you have to deal with the online site and go back and forth between them.  Personally, I have been on both sides of the counter, which is why I try to be competitive witht he internet.  After shipping, drilling, slugs, and grips, I am damn close.  And I still have people bring me internet balls to drill.


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  • Brian S.
Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2007, 11:02:49 AM »
I drill my own equipment at my local center. It saves me the money to buy on line and then no cost to drill. Have saved some good money over the years.


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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2007, 11:03:47 AM »
How would you recommend it being drilled?  Using the ball for league nights, oil is med/heavy to heavy, I am a stroker with low revs. I currently have a Rampage that I basically cant use because it goes straight as an arrow. I believe pin is under ring finger and usually use a Columiba U-turn non-partical w/ pin over ring finger that I do get some action out of.  

Thanks guys.


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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2007, 11:08:08 AM »
Thread hijack post threshold exceeded.  Please begin a new thread.
I wake up in the morning and piss excellence.

Edited on 2/22/2007 12:05 PM


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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2007, 03:41:36 PM »
Buy from your local proshop if you want to keep a local proshop!


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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2007, 05:55:26 AM »
I will not send balls back for warranty that weren't bought from my shop or the local shops around my area. The kicker is, I also sell online....I don't sell much current stuff though if any!!! You can't replace the service from a good pro shop.  Also, If you bring a ball in my shop to be drilled from the internet. You get measured and drilled..... No watching you throw the ball or recommending a layout. A straight label drill is what you get. For an additional $30 you get all the shop perks. OR----You buy the ball from me and I watch you...Find your PAP. and recommend a ball and/or layout to suit what you are looking for.  SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHOPS!!!!!!!!!1

Prices All prices Include Shipping
8 oz. $12.00
16 oz. $20.00
32 oz. $37.00
64 oz. $65.00
1 Gallon $109.00
There are a few reviews of the polish is the MISC. section here on BV.
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Buzzhead
Thanks for reading and be sure to check out my current eBay auctions at:
Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!
Looking for a great place to sell your bowling equipment?? Auction style,Fixed Price and FREE For A Limited Time! Try and to Purchase The "Secret Sauce" visit
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Pro Shop Own

Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2007, 06:55:23 AM »
I don't know about others, but around here they charge $50 for a blank drill (no inserts, they are extra).  How long does it typically take an experienced ball driller to punch out a ball?  I would say thirty minutes tops.  So they are making $50 (99% of that is all profit mind you) for 30 minutes worth of work.  Not bad.  Oh, by the way, my local proshop owner/operator will take the extra few minutes to watch a bowler if they are new to his shop and he will always recommend a layout unless you are set on a particular one and tell him up front.  Some people on here act like if you don't buy the ball from your local shop, they are losing all of this money and what not.  Yeah right.  My ball driller will tell you that he makes most of his money off of blank drills, Target Zones, Power Grooves, and he is doing just fine.  In fact, he stays so busy, that I usually have to make an appt. in order to ensure that he can get to mine that day.
My 06-07 Arsenal:
  • *Coming Soon* FURY

  • Vendetta Maxx (box finish, label lev) = Heavy/Medium to Medium

  • Cobalt Bomb Solid (box finish, 4 x 3.5) = Medium/Heavy to Medium

  • *Cracked* Agent (box finish, stacked lev) = Medium

  • DOOM (box finish, label lev) = Medium to Medium/Light

  • Power Groove Dry/R (box finish, 5 x 4.5) = Light/Medium to Light

  • Red XXXL (box finish, label lev) = Dry


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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2007, 08:05:19 AM »
Guys if it was as easy as you make it out to sound, then everyone would be doing it.

I will be the first to admit that I have experience in drilling and fitting along with ball motion, but would never go into a shop where I have no relationship and expect them to compromise their prices for me. If we were able to strike up a relationship and a discounted service was offered, then maybe.

Now keep in mind that I layout most of my stuff, supply my own grips, and do all of the finishing work including weighing and weight hole location, size, and depth. I also give credit where it is due and tell anyone who will listen where I get my stuff drilled at.

Once I do that a few times, most pro shop operators are glad to let me come in and pay the blank cost and go at it. I am the type of customer who has stood out on the sales floor and spoken to customers while my driller is finishing with one of my balls in effect keeping the dialogue open and keeping them in the store while they wait for service. It's called "walking the walk".

Now if you ran a store, who would you be more inclined to give discounted service to; Someone who actually "earns" the privledge of a discount or someone who comes in and "expects" a break on price, but top shelf service?

Sorry to sidetrack. I just get frustrated with people who buy online, then gripe about having to pay the advertised price for drilling and then question the price. I am sure the Fury's will get sent out and be a quality ball since Brunswick makes good products.
Mike Craig-Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2007, 11:47:34 AM »
my buddy drilled his tuesday and let me tell you its a dull ball,we applied beans secret sauce and ohh my what a difference,ball looks pearl,it has pretty colors all through it that cannot be noticed OOB finish,we will post his results soon.

thank ya Beans,



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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2007, 11:55:02 AM »
Shops around me don't seem to be as helpful as you guys are.  I have to find a shop that is more helpful, but I also don't like jumping from shop to shop. I have bought from two different shops and neither watched how I threw the ball before drilling it for me.

Fury, TNV, Rampage (which goes straight), and 300 U-Turn
Need practice on those 1 pin spares. :-)


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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2007, 01:43:50 PM »
Shops around me don't seem to be as helpful as you guys are.  I have to find a shop that is more helpful, but I also don't like jumping from shop to shop. I have bought from two different shops and neither watched how I threw the ball before drilling it for me.

I'll second that!  Before I found this site and got a little education I thought all my Pro-shop owner was supposed to do was measure my span and drill my ball, Because thats all my guy ever did.  I've bought THREE balls from him and not once did he watch me bowl or ask about my PAP.  He says " You throw a hook right?, heres your ball"  
Anyone know any good drillers in Connecticut?


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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2007, 01:51:29 PM »
It's okay to buy from Pro Shops, ya know?

I got 5 cases in Monday, and they are selling for 174.95, drilling/grips/slug included.

If I could get prices like that here, I'd be in every month.  But $230+ for last year's high-end ball, you can forget it.

If one in ten balls cracks, and I save $75+ buying last year's ball online (even after drilling), I'd just as soon throw it in the trash.  It will still be cheaper, even if the online shop doesn't want to honor the warranty.  My experience says I get the same "You want it to go long and turn hard?" service whether I buy in the shop or off the Internet.



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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2007, 02:04:35 PM »
Sounds like you need to get into a more populated area. Here in So Cal, getting 230 for a ball would be a dream.

We are practically sold out of the original 20 Furys we bought, they moved pretty quick at that price.
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-07
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Nick Smith
Digital Media Manager - Brunswick Bowling


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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2007, 02:39:33 PM »
Sounds like you need to get into a more populated area. Here in So Cal, getting 230 for a ball would be a dream.

No doubt.  The shop here wants $230 for a high-end ball from any company.  Lane 1, Lanemasters, Brunswick, Storm, Ebonite,...  Drilling is included, but grips will run you pretty close to $30.  After the 15% league discount, it's still about $240 with tax.  And the 15% league discount is only on the high end balls.  Want to save money buying a BVP?  $175.  Plus $30 for grips.  As great as the Wizard, Rampage, and Mammoth may be, I ain't paying $200+ for one.

Choices are pretty limited.  There's a bowling alley in Meridian (central MS) that's about an hour and a half away, one in Tupelo (where Rudy Kasimakis lives) that's a little over an hour away but it's run by the same guys as the shop here.  Probably a few in Jackson, MS, about two hours away.  I drive two hours to my shop; my wife has family in that town so it's not just for bowling.  I wish there were more choices, but that just won't happen (probably has more than a little to do with why his prices are so frickin' high)



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Re: Fury.........delayed again.
« Reply #30 on: March 07, 2007, 02:42:57 PM »
drillin mine tonight will report some results
Track Legion

FuRy, EQuation , DEsert HeAt  
" Just can't Beat That!"
Home of the Secret Sauce, and my ball driller!