Guys if it was as easy as you make it out to sound, then everyone would be doing it.
I will be the first to admit that I have experience in drilling and fitting along with ball motion, but would never go into a shop where I have no relationship and expect them to compromise their prices for me. If we were able to strike up a relationship and a discounted service was offered, then maybe.
Now keep in mind that I layout most of my stuff, supply my own grips, and do all of the finishing work including weighing and weight hole location, size, and depth. I also give credit where it is due and tell anyone who will listen where I get my stuff drilled at.
Once I do that a few times, most pro shop operators are glad to let me come in and pay the blank cost and go at it. I am the type of customer who has stood out on the sales floor and spoken to customers while my driller is finishing with one of my balls in effect keeping the dialogue open and keeping them in the store while they wait for service. It's called "walking the walk".
Now if you ran a store, who would you be more inclined to give discounted service to; Someone who actually "earns" the privledge of a discount or someone who comes in and "expects" a break on price, but top shelf service?
Sorry to sidetrack. I just get frustrated with people who buy online, then gripe about having to pay the advertised price for drilling and then question the price. I am sure the Fury's will get sent out and be a quality ball since Brunswick makes good products.
Mike Craig-Columbus, OH