Good idea, poorly carried out. Since there is no grip, its like having permanent easy slide on your thumb, so if you can imagine you drop it alot. Secondly, the inside of the thumb saver you can feel where the materials are stitched together, and after 5+ games it will literally cut and blister the side of your thumb. Lastly, your thumb pitch and size will have to be altered to compensate for the lack of grip and the increased thumb size.
Thumb saver - 15 dollars
redrill thumb/slug - 5-15 dollars
10-15 wasted practice games - 15-50 dollars
changing your thumb hole back - 5-15 dollars
Taking the time to fit your thumb hole properly without a thumbsaver - Priceless.
There are something money can't buy, for everything else there is patience.
Northside Pro Shop Staff