wow, never thought I'd ever post another thing in the brunswick forum, but alas, I need some help. So I just got given 2 new balls, one is a blast zone and one is the fury pearl, I don't normally throw Brunswick, so I really have no idea what to expect from these. I've been wanting to try a couple different things, and I figured this would be an ideal time to do it. One thing I've wanted to do was try the Rico layout. But I really don't know which ball that would go better on. I'm not sure how it does on asyms. The other one, whichever one it is, I'm going to put my normal layout on, its the layout that I've gotten the most success out of overall. On that ball I'm going to drill it up with a sarge easter grip. I don't have any of the specs on the 2 balls at this time, I haven't even seen them so I don't know what the pin is. I roll on all types of shots, but the 2 main ones are just typical house shots. One of them is usually a little on the drier side, and the other one is more of a medium oil shot. Lemme know which one you guys think I should drill up Rico and which one I should do the Sarge on. who knows maybe if I like these 2 then I'll actually try brunswick out again.
Thanks in advance
Personal specs are in profile
"Strive to be perfect, that is afterall the only way to become perfect."
"If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."
Taken from Desiderata
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