you want to know what is low sir, ask those people in Michigan who lost their jobs. so Brunswick could used workers from Mexico to make their balls, and make way more profit, then when hard working American's use to make their balls
you know hard working American's like those that make balls in Kentucky.
so get off your high horse.
and stop following me from thread to thread, that's stalking!!!!
and if you don't like the fact that i as well as many pro shops in this country don't like the fact that at Christmas Time, these balls where dumped online, well that's too bad.
maybe if a small pro shop like mine, stop ordering, lets say 20 balls a month from brunswick, and a 100 more small pro shops stop ordering 20 balls a month from Brunswick and then maybe another 100 small pro shops stop ordering 20 balls amonth from brunswick, lets see, do you think Brunswick may notice that.
maybe that is what i will do, not reorder any Brunswick ball this jan.
of course one little pro shop not ordering 20 balls. no big deal.
but what if??? what if??? what if??? a 100, or 200 small pro shops who are sick and tired of the way certain ball companies do business, decide to stop ordering 20 balls a month,
that's lets see, carry the one, 4000 balls a month.
do you think they would notice that,
Remember the Alamo
jls, proud watcher of womens golf