Whats interesting is still now location of your shop. The least you could do is give city and state.
Jason Smith
Brunswick Bowling
VISE--The Choice of Champions[/quote]
sir, first, the majority of the 400-700 regulars on this site, shop online.
because they can save money. therefore we really do not expect them to get in their car, drive to the airport and fly here to visit us anytime soon.
second, we certainly do not want to see a chad outside of our shop, swinging on his girly pole. that is not a pretty site.
third, there is no reason to try to sell to these people, because they have been exposed to online pricing. and what point would it be to sell and ship a ball to them, when they allready can buy it for just about the price we pay???
sorry we had this run in with you. we just hope that maybe you can see our side of things. most online shopper's do not. and if anyone on this site is know for be a basher. it is the many many online shopper's who post daily about how much they save, and paint us pro shops as bandits.
and then when a shop like ours has the guts to come on and post to defend pro shops, lowlifes like this joe person, post trash like, "another thread destroyed"
why is it OK for the online poster's to bash at pro shops and the way we do business, which btw, they have no clue about pro shop business. and yet when a small pro shop like ours comes on, the coffee drinking geeks who surf the net, attack us. do we scare them or something.
and Mr. Brunswick, i serious doubt that chad has ever bought a new ball, i have never seen him post about a ball's performance. he is nothing more then a stalker. most stalkers like him get great pleasure from forcing other poster's to run and hide. but as you and all can see. lowlifes geeks will never cause us to run and hide, so let them bash away and say their stupid little remarks like, troll, another thread destroyed etc etc etc.
do you think we care, cause we don't.
thankyou, and to all the good people at Brunswick
Happy New Years