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Author Topic: fury pearl or twisted?  (Read 11723 times)


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fury pearl or twisted?
« on: December 30, 2007, 12:10:26 PM »
so i had my heart set on the black widow bite, but thought about it and wanted to try something different because i already have a BW Solid. was thinking the fury line. brunswick and hammer have never done me wrong so mid as well stick with them. so i was wondering which would be the most all around ball? i want to use it when the lanes are fresh to breaking down. something i can predict too. something for the medium conditions you know?


Joe Jr

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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2007, 10:26:32 PM »
And another thread gets destroyed, seems to be a common assurance on this site...

Always by the same few people too...
My Vid
Formerly Brunswick Lefty & Richard Cranium

Quote from Conspirator300:
And yeah, I do know it all.. I don't spend 30+ hours a week learning more about bowling for my heatlh... I do it so I know more than all of you.. which I do. (besides the random few that are staffers/work in the bowling business.. which that population is decreasing little by little)


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #32 on: January 01, 2008, 11:02:33 AM »

Whats interesting is still now location of your shop. The least you could do is give city and state.
Jason Smith
Brunswick Bowling
VISE--The Choice of Champions[/quote]

sir,  first,  the majority of the 400-700 regulars on this site,  shop online.
because they can save money.  therefore we really do not expect them to get in their car, drive to the airport and fly here to visit us anytime soon.

second, we certainly do not want to see a chad outside of our shop, swinging on his girly pole.  that is not a pretty site.

third, there is no reason to try to sell to these people, because they have been exposed to online pricing.  and what point would it be to sell and ship a ball to them, when they allready can buy it for just about the price we pay???

sorry we had this run in with you.  we just hope that maybe you can see our side of things.  most online shopper's do not.  and if anyone on this site is know for be a basher.  it is the many many online shopper's who post daily about how much they save, and paint us pro shops as bandits.
and then when a shop like ours has the guts to come on and post to defend pro shops,  lowlifes like this joe person, post trash like,  "another thread destroyed"

why is it OK  for the online poster's to bash at pro shops and the way we do business,  which btw, they have no clue about pro shop business.  and yet when a small pro shop like ours comes on,  the coffee drinking geeks who surf the net,  attack us.  do we scare them or something.

and Mr. Brunswick, i serious doubt that chad has ever bought a new ball, i have never seen him post about a ball's performance.  he is nothing more then a stalker.  most stalkers like him get great pleasure from forcing other poster's to run and hide.  but as you and all can see.  lowlifes geeks will never cause us to run and hide,  so let them bash away and say their stupid little remarks like, troll, another thread destroyed etc etc etc.

do you think we  care,  cause we don't.

thankyou, and to all the good people at Brunswick
Happy New Years


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2008, 11:56:05 AM »
I hate to chime in on the political B.S. here but I'd bet that part of the reason Bruswick moved to Mexico is the ENORMOUS tax burden put on companies by the state of Michigan, combined with the wonderful U.S. tax policy.

It is a horrible thing when people loose jobs, but be sure to place the blame where it belongs.  Brunswick is in business to make money... why else would you be in business in the first place? When federal, state, and local tax policy combined with union demands make it impossible to be profitable, what other choice do you have?

Speed: 17.0 (Quibica)
Revs: med-high to high (@400 RPM)
Axis: 5-3/4"  3/16 down

See Profile for arsenal

Edited on 1/1/2008 10:00 AM

mr the truth,  PLEASE stop making "SENSE"  it clearly shows sir, that you are capable of "thinking".  

a business moving because of taxes!!!  Here in our area, two very large firms, are staying and expanding,  why,  because of TAX BREAKS given to them to stay

you see,  well, you sir probably allready know, since your not clueless, that is what states do when they what a large company to stay!!!!

Well if your theory is correct then every business in the U.S.A. should shut down. What are you going to do when everyone is out of a job? Think about it if we as a country do not support ourselves and the companies that actually have their operations in the U.S.A. where is this country going to be in the future?  Agreed the tax situation has gotten out of control but face it a business moving out of the country is not good for the U.S.A. or it's citizens.
Speak the Truth

Even though MegaMav and Joe Jr can't handle it.

Edited on 1/1/2008 12:57 PM


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2008, 12:14:07 PM »
thanks for all the help for the people who answered. as for the political people, good luck in solving it.. =P


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #35 on: January 01, 2008, 04:59:31 PM »
jf, you are obviously not in Michigan. That state is in trouble due to the government policies on taxing. If they are not already the unemployment leader in the nation, they will be soon more than likely. I hope, for the sake of my Michigan friends, that they make serious policy changes in an attempt to bring in new business and put people back to work. As it stands right now, people and businesses are moving out by the truckloads. It is hard for a company to survive in that environment right now.


I'm gettin' old, I'm hurtin', but I've got Brunswick balls.......Color me competitive.


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2008, 08:27:23 PM »
^^^^^^^^^ HUH ? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

What you talkin' bout Willis?

I'm gettin' old, I'm hurtin', but I've got Brunswick balls.......Color me competitive.


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2008, 08:48:04 PM »
I have nothing more to add here than just shaking my head.

Robert and Ric, I dont know why you guys bother.
You should be commended for your patience and dedication, because this is just abuse.

I wouldnt hold it against you guys for not responding.
This site is unbelieveable.


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2008, 09:02:07 PM »
I have nothing more to add here than just shaking my head.

Robert and Ric, I dont know why you guys bother.
You should be commended for your patience and dedication, because this is just abuse.

I wouldnt hold it against you guys for not responding.
This site is unbelieveable.[/quote

exactly what did you add?


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #39 on: January 01, 2008, 09:09:10 PM »
At one time this was a very good site. Now it has turned into a frickin slam fest, slamming decent people (including ball reps)that try to help others. Who gives a rats butt who is raising what prices. Who cares! If you don't like the price hikes or whatever...go elsewhere. It is not that hard. I do appreciate people such as Ric and Robert and others that take time to answer questions to customers/potential customers needing advice. I tip my hat to these individuals. I think they deserve a lot more respect than what they are getting here on this message board. This message board was never intended for all out war. I have said enough for now. tom

Edited on 1/1/2008 10:15 PM


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #40 on: January 01, 2008, 09:28:55 PM »
I would like to ask you guys that are slamming Robert and myself, would you rather see us (and the other 75% of the division remaining BTW) that is left, after the move, unemployed? I know you could care less, because of the people that lost their jobs, not those that kept their jobs. Do you think we liked seeing those people lose there jobs? NO. But it was done and we have to move on with it or look for other employment. We enjoy doing what we are doing or we would not be on this forum, arguing to defend ourselves and our division. But that's besides the point, because you can say anything you like, about how wrong it is, right? I am wondering what any of you would do in our positions, keeping our jobs and being able to still have the opportunity to contribute to the game that we were both raised in. Yes that means more than 90 years in the game combined. But of course none of you considered that nor care. It is much more gratifying to slam Brunswick and hide behind screen name and NEVER have to defend yourselves or your comments. Just let me add, thanks for your concern about us. As you have ALL said, you could care less about any of us. Just yourself. Take 2 things into consideration, Brunswick is the largest contributor to the PBA and how would the industry be without Brunswick in it. Monopoly?

Ric Hamlin
Pacific Northwest Product Specialist
Brunswick Bowling

AKA "Rico" and L.I.M.O.M.

sir, if you go back and review, some remarks where made calling some, clueless.
if some of us are so clueless,  then way do you bother, and why do you want to talk in private,  if we are clueless no nothings.

i fully understand that all ball companies need and want to protect their dist.
so again i fully understand why most compnaies sell thru dist.  but its a hard pill to take, when it is said that your dist. want to be protected from ball companies selling directly to pro shops and undercutting dist.

poor babies,  how come these dist don't feel the same way when it come to who they sell too.  again, dist are set to deal with pro shops only.  yet they have no problem with undercutting pro shops.  and then they cry if a nall company sells direct to a pro shop.  isn't that being  a hypocrite.

now there are a number of dist. out there that do not sell to online dealers.
and sooner or later more pro shops will realize who they are, and deal with them.  payback is a you no what!!!!

i was told of a few dist who would sell me the Fury's,  thankyou who ever told us of them.  but,  some of them, are how shall we say.  not the dist. we want to deal with.  get the picture.  and it was insulting to say that they will sell you some Fury's at $99.  hells bells,  i can buy them online for that.

on thursday of last week, when the poo poo hit the fan,  i was busy drilling.
and i received several calls from salesmen, asking me if i had seen the story online about Ebonite, and what i thought.  at the point, i had not.

but i truely believe what bonite has decided to do,  will work. and will help the entire industry.  and pro shops will remember,  who was on their side with actions, and who just with words!!!!! you get the picture?

now as for these people with bruns in their names,  their bashing means nothing to me.  please send Mega a ball or something. he is such brown nose.
this should be an interesting month.

this may come as a shock to you Ric.  but many of todays bowlers,  bowl to win money.  and they will use whatever, to score and win money.  and if said whatever ball dies after 10 frames or one game, which ever comes first. and they won money with said ball,  they will get rid of it, and by another one.
why, casue they won money with it.
i have seen a lot of bashing about Ebonite covers dying.  i don't personnally find that to be true.  and as you may have notice Ric and all your groupie bashers.  i don't bad mouth your balls.  in fact i have posted how well they perform.  my problem with Brunswick, isn't with the equipment,  it's with the people running the company, who like to talk the talk.  
now Ebonite has taken a huge step.  do you people at Brunswick think Ebonite is stupid.  do you not think that they thought this out.  
i just happen to feel like many pro shops in the business, that this is a good move.  
the ball is in your court, don't drop it.

clueless and no mindset!!!!!
we shall see


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #41 on: January 01, 2008, 09:47:57 PM »
I would like to ask you guys that are slamming Robert and myself, would you rather see us (and the other 75% of the division remaining BTW) that is left, after the move, unemployed? I know you could care less, because of the people that lost their jobs, not those that kept their jobs. Do you think we liked seeing those people lose there jobs? NO. But it was done and we have to move on with it or look for other employment. We enjoy doing what we are doing or we would not be on this forum, arguing to defend ourselves and our division. But that's besides the point, because you can say anything you like, about how wrong it is, right? I am wondering what any of you would do in our positions, keeping our jobs and being able to still have the opportunity to contribute to the game that we were both raised in. Yes that means more than 90 years in the game combined. But of course none of you considered that nor care. It is much more gratifying to slam Brunswick and hide behind screen name and NEVER have to defend yourselves or your comments. Just let me add, thanks for your concern about us. As you have ALL said, you could care less about any of us. Just yourself. Take 2 things into consideration, Brunswick is the largest contributor to the PBA and how would the industry be without Brunswick in it. Monopoly?

Ric Hamlin
Pacific Northwest Product Specialist
Brunswick Bowling

AKA "Rico" and L.I.M.O.M.


I stand behind you and Rob 100%. No matter how hard people try coming down on you guys your still always willing to try and help. I have been using nothing but Brunswick for a year now and the support I get from the reps/staffers on here and through e-mail has been outstanding. Yes it sucks that people had to lose jobs over the move. I was one of those people that lost their job to overseas workers, but I took the opportunity to better myself instead of sitting around and feeling sorry for myself. Bottom line is you guys do a great job so don't let a few 2-bit hecklers discourage you.
Jason Smith
Brunswick Bowling
VISE--The Choice of Champions


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #42 on: January 01, 2008, 09:50:10 PM »
And to think, all the original poster wished for is a preference or some info between the Fury Pearl and the Twisted Fury.
The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #43 on: January 01, 2008, 09:58:59 PM »

First of all, WHAT? How is that responding to my post?


I am curious, where did my post go and why was it deleted? Does someone affiliated with this sight like to clue me in...
Ric Hamlin
Pacific Northwest Product Specialist
Brunswick Bowling

AKA "Rico" and L.I.M.O.M.

Edited on 1/1/2008 10:36 PM

i don't know ric,  but i am sure your groupies will blame me.


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #44 on: January 01, 2008, 10:01:42 PM »
And to think, all the original poster wished for is a preference or some info between the Fury Pearl and the Twisted Fury.
The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.

and if you take the time to read, the very first reply was from me,
ans i suggested, the Twisted.


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Re: fury pearl or twisted?
« Reply #45 on: January 02, 2008, 06:04:45 AM »
the truth,  stop please,  notclay has started a fund to help the so called bad guy pro shop who lost millions of the Fury.
i am not proud, i am told him to send the money!!!!!
and no funny stuff, like with that coach in football did, or didn't.
anyway truth,  this is a brunswick site.
so yes, we are the bad guys.
thanks for taking the time to post.