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Author Topic: Twisted Fury with the Rico drilling  (Read 769 times)


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Twisted Fury with the Rico drilling
« on: January 29, 2008, 03:23:24 AM »
Drilled up a twisted fury with the rico drilling last night and got to use it in my league.  THS is 38 feet buffed to 41 feet.  Brought it out during practice and really didn't throw it all that great, so tired my other twisted with pin above ring finger with cg and mias bias kicked out 45 degrees, didn't get a chance to try it before practice was over.  So threw it first frame and ball didn't come back up, left 2-4-8, made my spare.  On my next shot, decieded to switch back to my rico drilling, and boy it paid off.  I ran the next 17 in a row and never missed to pocket.  After that i finally threw a bad shot, left the 2-4-5.  But this ball with this drilling is great, very smooth off the corner, nothing real jumpy.  Thanks mr. hamlin for talking to me about using this drilling