I have both, I like both. G Force revs up really fast, but could be layout also, they are not similar. Fury has much more movement down the lane, there again back to layout.
I'm inclined to think that if they were layed out the same, they would be fairly similar with any edge in total hook going to the Fury.
Both balls hit good, and do what I was hoping for. My G Force hooks early and rolls, kind of sets up on the pocket. Leaves some ring 10's. The Fury just rules, it is my heavy oil ball of choice right now. The pin is over the fingers on this ball, so it has some energy down the lane, neither make the corner when I try to cover a lot of boards, ring or flat 10. But then again, if I am having to go that much left to right with them, then there are probably better balls.
My Fury was awesome on the Scorpion pattern at the Tour Trials. It was too much ball for the Shark Pattern. I used the G Force for the first few games of Shark.
Overall, these balls are probably pretty close. You can't go wrong with either one, both will work on heavy oil. Not enough difference in them to justify having both, unless you are an idiot like me that has 30+ bowling balls. hehee.
Hope this helps ya....
Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!
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