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Author Topic: Fuze Core  (Read 1276 times)


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Fuze Core
« on: January 01, 2004, 07:45:32 PM »
This thing keeps amazing me.  This a churnin, burnin, turnin core.

Strong a slightly angular all the way thru the lane!

Just bowled again with my Detonator yesterday, (weakened by the application of trizact 5 micron, down from box of 35).  This ball can handle some pretty wet stuff.  Had a mid 220s game with a couple of 10 pins that could have easily been 26X.  Really wasn't even throwing very well.

(The shot was very wet on the left and quite wet on the right).  Observed a guy throwing a Phenom around 15 with a small swing and he couldn't get a ripple.
Then another guy with a brand new Fear Factor same thing!  On my side only the Roll and this monster or a Spell out near 6 could find enough dry to respond!

I also threw for the first time an Ignitor.  Though not strong enough for this shot as setup(1000 plus high gloss Black Magic).  This sucker though very fast thru the heads and a little late and touchy thru the break had the same angular and powerful move at the breakpoint.  A beautiful thing!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Fuze Core
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2004, 11:46:28 PM »
Just my take.

I believe the Eliminator and Detonator have very similar core.

I like trajectory of my Detonator with smoother Trizact finish over the Eliminator.  Make you Detonator an Eliminator ++.

The Eliminator is much lower rg and has a weaker cover.  I say keep the higher RG Detonator in play and smooth with Trizact.

I see very few 7 pins If you rememeber at times on TV and where I've seen it the Eliminator is a corner pin machine!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana