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Author Topic: Fuze Ignitor stronger than I expected.......  (Read 2621 times)


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Fuze Ignitor stronger than I expected.......
« on: January 14, 2004, 03:28:41 AM »
Well, I have thrown enough games on this ball to realize it isn't the drier condition ball I wanted it to be.  I drilled it pin above ring and cg kicked out about an inch.  This thing is on its fourth drill, fourth owner.  I am guessing a cg location because I wasn't able to find it.  Anyways, I polished to a mirror shine and hit it some finesse it.  

It doesn't do diddly when they are fresh.  Oh it makes a move but a very weak one.  So, I started out last night throwing the werewolf (see profile), and after the second game I had pretty much tapped myself out by moving left with it.  So, I pulled out the Ignitor and moved 2 and 2 right.  I left the 4,7,9, ouch.  Did a 1 and 2 right and bang next 5, 4 pin, x for 221 the last game.  I am considering putting a weight hole on or above my pap to tame this thing down.  However, it hits extremely hard and carries very well.  I am afraid the hole will cause a loss of carry. Any thoughts.......




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Re: Fuze Ignitor stronger than I expected.......
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2004, 07:48:54 PM »
Put on val and angle away from grip 1/2 inch, yum!

Still good backend more midlane!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Fuze Ignitor stronger than I expected.......
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2004, 10:30:05 PM »
Luckylefty--That would increase my flare.  I am not sure that is what I want.  I have done this on a couple of balls before and I like it, but I am not sure in this case.



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Re: Fuze Ignitor stronger than I expected.......
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2004, 05:59:51 AM »

Almost all weight holes will increase the flare, thus adding slightly earlier ball reaction and it will look more like a curve and less like a hook (more banana and less hockey stick).

Option 1:
You can also use a grey nylon pad (800-1000 grit) to LIGHTLY scuff up the surface in order to let it roll slightly earlier. You'll get less flip and more control.

Option 2:
Sand it to 1000 grit and re-polish back to original degree of shine. This will make it skid slightly longer, handle slightly less oil amounts, and have less backend, because the grit of the surface is finer. I've done this successfully with a Columbia Boss Pearl and a Brunswick Fire Quantum recently and with several other pearls and solids. As long as you have some idea of where you started (Brunswick balls generally start in the 400 - 600 grit range.), you can always go back to it.
 -> Actually I have an Ignitor that garbs a little early for me and I have not used it in a long time. I may try this process with it myself.

Good luck.

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Re: Fuze Ignitor stronger than I expected.......
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2004, 06:32:45 AM »

Am I correct that putting a weight hole above my axis, on the VAL, will decrease flare??  The same as if I put it back towards the pin from my axis.  I like the reaction and hit.  I did sand it to 1500 before polishing it up.  I was hoping to play in the track area during the third game.  I still have to get inside alittle and find at least some oil.  I guess no reactive will every be the dry lane ball I expect.  It is probably my high rev rate.  

I wouldn't call the Ignitor uncontrollable.  Like I said before, I like the reaction I was just expecting it to be alittle weaker.



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Re: Fuze Ignitor stronger than I expected.......
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2004, 10:46:58 AM »

Am I correct that putting a weight hole above my axis, on the VAL, will decrease flare??  

Not that I know of; but, to be safe, get one of th eProfessional drillers, like constantine or king of the mill or one of the others to comment on this. Almost all weigh tholes will add flare and smooth out the reaction.

same as if I put it back towards the pin from my axis.  I like the reaction and hit.  I did sand it to 1500 before polishing it up.

What a second!
You already did that AND you have the pin above the bridge?
OK, as far as I am concerned, you are playing with the wrong ball. You are way killing this ball. The only other thing you can do is either put the pin in the track or on the PAP and I seriously doubt, if it will, even then, be what you want or need.

I think you need a SlayR or even a true pancake core resin. (The Power Groove is not a TRUE pancake core resin; it flares too much.)
Something a lot milder than an Ignitor.
Maybe even a Barrage, a Hit, or a Tornado Warning.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
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Re: Fuze Ignitor stronger than I expected.......
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2004, 03:17:54 PM »

I was considering a Slay/r or something along those lines.  I had a reactive claw at one point, hit like a wet fart.  I was planning on putting the pin above my middle finger instead of the ring.  However, everything I was told by past owners and folks from here is the ball need help getting into a roll to carry.  So I put the pin alittle closer to my axis hoping for the early roll and better carry.  

The house I primarily use the ball in is a older wood house.  It is well maintained by they don't put much outside of ten, especially past 12 to 15 feet.  The track area is cooked after a game or so.  I usually don't make it through an enitire game without moving in.  

I knew I remembered reading this before, ck this out.  The second page deals with extra hole placements.  What do you think???




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Re: Fuze Ignitor stronger than I expected.......
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2004, 04:06:50 PM »
Ummmm,  this year I have put probably 300 weightholes in about 60 balls.

This may not qualify as professional driller but here is the basic on this weighthole recommendation.

I have seen weightholes increase flare(large ones), however I believe reaction can be increased without increasing flare.
The most simple example.  

Pin on pap drilling all would agree flare is virtually nonexistant.  Put a weighthole on pap and reaction is minimal as is flare. NOw plug hole and redrill weighthole 2 to 3 inches past pap on a line from top of ring finger thru pap.  Voila = reaction is dramatically increased but flare is not!
(Yes, flare probably will be slightly increased if a 1 1/8 inch weighthole is added).

My experiments with multiple weightholes on the same balls (most holes not deep enough to hit core)

1: The most common, weightholes on pap add earlier roll midlane and stability(less backend)
2. Weightholes past pap about 1 inch, drilled with 0 lateral pitch seem to maintain the reaction if the ball is drilled illegal and thrown and then a legal making weighthole added.  In other words midlane is not increased with this weighthole and backend stays the same as when illegal.
3. Weightholes on the VAL or pap and angled outwards(from grip center) 1/2 inch.  These weightholes are awesome, often adding midlane and still maintaining the backend of an over limit sideweight ball, which is now legal.
4. Weightholes past pap one inch and angled out 1/2 inch, these weightholes do not add midlane and then the outward angle maintains all the backend of the ball when thrown illegally.

There are many caveats above.  Balls where the weightholes take sideweight down from about 1/2 ounce down to 0 or negative do start to add more and more midlane.  Weightholes however as described above taking sideweight down to the 3/4 of an ounce to 1/2 ounce area will give the above described reactions.

I have notes and tests on propably 200 to 300 tests of these concepts, others tested and not discussed, weightholes 2 1/4 inch past pap, weightholes 3 3/8 past pap, weightholes inside pap, weightholes down and inside pap, weithholes on grip center, weightholes of 1 1/4 inch size, weightholes deep and 1/2 inch.
Oh you get the picture, too many!

It's been fun but I wouldn't recommend it for others who want to be good bowlers!  Let some sort of nut like myself do these for you!


PS If you really want to be a nut, I highly recommend everyone throw their cg kicked out balls illegal in a practice session, THEN put your weighthole in.  Not the usual method of drilling illegal, guessing on a weighthole and then putting a hole in!  Then you will see the validity of the ideas above.
PPS For example I purchased a ball from Charlest, he and I discussed the reaction.  The WRW Jr..  He described it as fairly weak like a Columbia Beast.

Well I didn't want that.  So I drilled strong and illegal(pre weighthole) and threw.  Side weight about 1 1/2 and I loved the look.  So I kept it, the reaction stayed just the same with a weighthole placed 6 1/4 (1 inch from my PAP)from the grip center and angled out 1/2 inch!

Balls I want a slight taming on the val and angled out 1/2 inch, balls I want to really smooth out holes on val or pap straight in!

PPPPFINAL  Agroves I gave my answer on the basis of the following, a desire to tame(I think that means smooth) and secondly a desire to maintain hit.
The val with 1/2 inch angle works for me!  To accomplish both above!

Edited on 1/15/2004 5:12 PM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Fuze Ignitor stronger than I expected.......
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2004, 08:52:36 PM »
I weighted the ball out tonight and it is almost 0 on side weight.  I think I am just going to leave it.  I like it now and I can just play the oil line with it instead of the track area.  No problem.  


What a reply.  I am going to cut and paste that and keep it.  I appreciate the time it took to type that up.  Thanks.  I will give it some thought.
