Babz299, you DID read it correctly....however the thoughts on my original comparison was between the slayr and the reactive groove.....I threw in the urethane one just for fault, I should have been more specific...
SORRY for the confusion, if any...
I'm thinking I may try the Slayr, drilled pin over bridge and just kicking out the cg a little to end up with a touch of positive side....
I hit the frenzy with 1000 and then some clean and smooth to tame down the "flippy" aspect that it had, I haven't tried it yet though....
I think I'm going to get the slayr and also a warp zone to complete my arsenal....
It will look like this:
*Warp Zone (I don't have it yet but..drilled to hook in a flood -4x4, 3 3/8 x 3 3/8 pin low but in the "safe zone" because of my high track, sound right?)
* Raging inferno (I love this ball, 4 x 5 pin on side of ring)
* inferno (5 x 4.5 pin above ring- sanded to 800, I'm really starting to like this)
* Frenzy (5 X 4.5 pin above ring- 1,500 finish)
* Slayr (5.5 x 4.5 pin above bridge- out of the box finish?)
how's that sound?