Just got one...
http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j286/bmxboi11/Bowling/100_0717.jpghttp://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j286/bmxboi11/Bowling/100_0718.jpgHaven't had a brunswick ball for awhile, well not since my total inferno witch I've had tremendous success with in the past..but is now sitting on the rack, shes gotten a large build of games on her..
Anyways, I got my hands on a twisted and not sure where this ball shines at?
Threw it at league saturday and left more solid ten's then i can count..
I mean the line was very nice and was hitting pocket, but the 10 would NOTT go down..
The lanes are wooden, therefor pretty dry, but since it was league they had some drips of oil. Also if I had a light hit, there was no chance if all 10 going back.. shot had to be flush, but when it was watch out there were pins flying..
My line was 15 to 5-7 board and screaming home..
tommarow I have high school practice on some heavier oiled conditions at a synthetic lane house..
But I'm just wondering how everyone else's reacts and where the best place is to use it?
In the bag: Complete NV, Maxim Spare, BWS, Toxic, Twisted Fury
HG: 279/Ball: cNV
HS: 742/Ball: cNV
HSG: 263/Ball: T-Inferno
HSS: 633/Ball: T-Inferno
Current average: 200