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Author Topic: give brunswick another try  (Read 1583 times)


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give brunswick another try
« on: January 11, 2005, 03:32:55 AM »
on the last august i drilled one blazing inferno and one ultimate inferno and a columbia detour to put in the middle of those...i finished playing any lane condition with the detour because my blazing inferno hooked too much on dry conditions but didnt move a table on wet...and my ultimate inferno was so unpredictably that i couldnt use it too much...maybe they have the wrong i went back to columbia ...but  the bully line didnt match with my game...they hook to early and i am a big cranker tryiing to stroker a little bit more to gain more control...i threw 18 mph with 489 rpm...i was thinking on the classic zone and maybe the punisher or the nemesis but now i read that a new inferno will arrive on februray...should i wait for the new ball or my choices were fine.i want to buy 2 balls now and then another 2 more
beside...could u give any specification about the drill or the layouts
thanks a lot
p.d: sory for my english i am from argentina and i am working on my game in miami until march



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Re: give brunswick another try
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2005, 11:57:23 AM »
I would suggest that if you are a "big cranker", that you go with the BVP line - nemesis, punisher.
These will be more controllable than anything from the "performance" line for someone with your style.
Also - they're a lot less money!!! And there is nothing wrong with them - they are still a GREAT product.

To give you some idea - I throw my nemesis about 10 times for every once the Ultimate comes out of the bag. It's just that much more versatile.
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Re: give brunswick another try
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2005, 12:26:35 PM »
munzie...whats ur style...what do u have in ur bag...could u tell me any advice on how to drill those balls?
thanks a lot


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Re: give brunswick another try
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2005, 07:02:16 PM »
489 RPM?  I'm envious.

With that much hand, I'd give the Nemesis a look.  Hit it with the Brunswick Factory Finish polish on all six sides.  It'll be clean in front, but still give you a well-defined move at the break.  IME the Nemesis flares less in the oil than the Zones or Infernos, so you should get a more predictable reaction.
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Re: give brunswick another try
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2005, 09:42:52 PM »
Wow bbpba, that was the longest run on sentence i've ever seen. But yeah like these guys said, nemesis or punisher will give u a good look. I also have a detour and an ultimate. All i can say is that the condition must be just right for the UI, or else i start leaving 10 pins and pocket 8-10's and other crap like no other. I don't have near as many revs as u do (around 250-300), but I can see how u can get frustrated with the UI. The Detour is a very versatile ball and I would think the Punisher's a step under and would compliment it well. Maybe you should also go for something like the Goliath with a weaker drilling on heavy oil? It should be very controllable up front and have a smooth arc in the back on those heavy shots.