I've actually thrown the S.I on a long medium pattern.
I guess we can call it a semi-sport shot. Flat pattern, about 35ft.
buffed out to 40, oil track around 10, with dry outsides.
I played my usual inside line. I was about 25-30 to 3rd arrow. The ball
skid to the end of the oil, when it hit dry revved up and snapped back to pocket. I didn't like the angle, but there was a shot. Now granted, if the dry wasn't there, the ball would have never recovered. Strike Zone handled it wonderfully though.
But I have been VERY surprised with the versatility of the S.I. I have mine drilled pin under ring, cg kicked out. X-hole on my VAL drawn from the Pin to CG line.
I've shot the ball on floods from inside, where the strike zone won't turn over. In addition, I tried this on a bone dry lane where I couldn't keep the Punisher on the lane. Granted I was releasing from the gutter over 4th, but it fed all the way out to about 4-5 or so, and came roaring back.
For me, this ball is VERY versatile.