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Author Topic: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!  (Read 3774 times)


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Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« on: August 17, 2004, 04:04:22 PM »
Ok, before I get everything underway let me say that this Goliath is the REAL DEAL! I didn't want to post a real review because it would just get buried by idiots and their 3 line reviews so this will stay around longer and be of much more help.

Player Profile
Right handed
16.25 speed at 50 ft.
330-340 avg rpms(Was working on more revolutions tonight, estimated around 400-410)
Lower track(PAP at 4 3/8ths over 1/8th up)

-Center Profile-
Flood of oil in the middle(5 board 5 board) for 36 feet, buffed to 42.  Extremely dry outsides.  Synthetics.

-Goliath First Impressions-
Drilling: Pin(2 1/2") and C.G stacked under ring, no weighthole
*Note- this is the most dense core I've ever drilled into, It was almost hard to drill the thumb, the core was so dense.

Surface: Tried polishing it with Storm Proactashine on the spinner, was polished.  I put it in my ball bag and low and behold, when I got to the center, the thing was DULL again.  Not at the out of box 400 grit, but more of an 800 grit.

This thing is unlike any other Heavy oil ball I've ever seen.  I've recently thrown Mutant, Phenom Unleashed, and Phenom as heavy oil pieces but all of these could be thrown on fresher league patterns assuming there was head oil.  This ball is a completely different monster.  The funny thing is for this ball to hook as much as it does, it doesnt use it all up in the first 30 feet.  It has a ton of midlane roll and the hardest arc I've ever seen...EVER!(And I was watching some people around me with Oracle and it just wasn't recovering in that flood in the middle like the Goliath did).  This ball looks like a snowball rolling downhill in an avalanche.  Just keeps rolling harder and harder, getting bigger and bigger, arcing more and more.  It's such a strong arcing piece, that the hit is simply DEVASTATING.  

I know sometimes hit is overrated by alot of people when describing a ball, but I swear to you, this thing rolls so hard through the deck you will notice a distinctly harder hit at the pocket.  Flush shots hit with unbearable force, a couple of my friends were grimacing at how hard this ball hit the hole.  High hits(and trust me, there were a ton of them, this ball moves that much) were very unforgiving.  4 pins and 4-7s like it was nothing.  No mercy on the trips here.  This ball arcs and doesn't stop coming.  Light hits sent some aerial messengers and pin scattering strikes.  One shot I left the 5 pin and the head pin came off of the wall and hit the five right in the belly with the bottom of the pin!  It looked like a wrestler hitting the ropes then coming at his opponet full force with a dropkick.  I wish I had it on tape LOL.

To sum it up, Ultimate Inferno has NOTHING! and I repeat...NOTHING! on this ball in the hook department.  Instead of that one set hooking motion of the Ultimate, this thing arcs and never shows a trace of burning up.  Granted the heads and midlane were juiced, but I wouldn't recoomend this for the slightest bit of burnt heads.   In just 2 1/2 games I burnt up the shot enough for me to put the ball up because it was just too much hook and I was too deep(29) to send the ball wide right through all of that flood in the middle and get it to recover off of the 3-5 board.  This cover is very similar to Warp Zone, just a harder revving engine inside.  What an Amazing ball.  I'm bowling a sport shot at the beginning of my collegiate season that's notoriously flooded to 42 feet.  This year I shold have no problem getting something to wrinkle.

Thanks for reading.

-DJ Marshall
You're not Bowling if you're not using "B"runswick



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Re: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2004, 07:31:25 AM »

(And I was watching some people around me with Oracle and it just wasn't recovering in that flood in the middle like the Goliath did).

Maybe it would have been better if you had thrown the Oracle instead of comparing a ball that someone else was throwing,...there are far too many variables involved to get a clear picture. I'm not slamming the review or the Goliath either, I just don't think it's a fair comparison, ...1) "you" weren't throwing the other pieces (Oracle) you saw, 2) these are totally different balls in particle style/size(Oracle being small particles), load (Goliath being a heavy load, Oracle being medium-medium heavy load), core design and conditions....Oracle is a medium heavy to heavy ball, and the Goliath is a pure heavy oiler....

I guess it just doesn't seem "apples to apples" to me.....the review overall though is good.....and the other heavy oil balls compared work well in the review.

I just think youd get even a better result out of the review by keeping it to pieces you have and have thrown...
There is doing in not doing

Edited on 8/18/2004 11:25 AM

Edited on 8/18/2004 11:51 AM

Edited on 8/18/2004 2:36 PM


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Re: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2004, 09:21:25 AM »
When reviewing a ball, rather then saying "Oh I was standing here, blah blah, playing blah blah..." I'm going to give the nature of the ball.  Read it again, I was just referencing the Oracle because its one company's big oil piece in comparasion to the other, and FYI one guy had a slower speed and more revs than me(bad drilling though) and still was washing out, going light with his Oracle even after I lined him up further right on the lane to hit the hole.

The funny thing is, would Jeff have even responded if I didn't mention a Roto Grip ball?  I'm willing to bet my entire arsenal on it.  I could have talked about the Full Throttle that he was throwing, but that was polished so of course it would skate more.  His oracle was in box condition.  Maybe if I had have mentioned his Full Throttle, or the stroker two lanes over throwing his new Uranium Solid that came down to watch me bowl Jeff would have read the post and just went on his way without even responding.  People compare two different balls all the time in reviews.  I read this site wholeheartedly and I don't see him playing police on anyone else.
edited:  Oh yeah, if this came off as me being offended....then yes.  I certainly was.

Edited on 8/18/2004 9:16 AM


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Re: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2004, 09:50:43 AM »

Read it again, I was just referencing the Oracle because its one company's big oil piece in comparasion to the other, and FYI one guy had a slower speed and more revs than me(bad drilling though) and still was washing out, going light with his Oracle even after I lined him up further right on the lane to hit the hole.

DJ, I don't have to read it again, I know what you were doing. However, it doesn't matter what someone else was doing...I understand why you mentioned it, it just isn't that relevant because it wasn't "you" and "your specs" that you gave.

The funny thing is, would Jeff have even responded if I didn't mention a Roto Grip ball?  I'm willing to bet my entire arsenal on it.

And ? Your point is ?  You're right....I would not have said anything. I'm a Roto Grip "rep" on this board,...just doin' my job.    Why is that funny?! I don't understand.........In my opinion the 2 balls that don't compare, that's all.

People compare two different balls all the time in reviews.

Yes, they do ....but they usually compare balls they're throwing or have thrown....I don't think I'm out of line here DJ....Re-read my response...I said "please" didn't I  ?

I read this site wholeheartedly and I don't see him playing police on anyone else.

Why don't you address "me" instead of saying "him" ?  I offer my opinions ALL over this site wasn't a policing effort, just a comment...

edited:  Oh yeah, if this came off as me being offended....then yes.  I certainly was.

If you were offended, it wasn't my's just a little constructive criticism that goes on ALL THE TIME on these boards....

There is doing in not doing

Edited on 8/18/2004 10:57 AM

Edited on 8/18/2004 11:38 AM


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Re: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2004, 11:08:22 AM »
DP3, thank you for writing an intelligent, detailed review of the Goliath, a ball most of us are interested in hearing about.

Even if it quickly gets knocked off the Latest Reviews board by the trash, it's still worth having up there for people who will, down the road, investigate the Goliath.

Thanks again!
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2004, 02:34:48 PM »
DP3,  What center was this?  When is your first tournament?


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Re: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2004, 06:13:45 PM »
Hey Tony...I practiced with it at Laurel.  Our first tournament is a Pleasant Hill Lanes in Wilmington, DE  October 5-6th I believe

So Jeff is a Rotogrip rep now? hmm...

-DJ Marshall
You're not Bowling if you're not using "B"runswick

Edited on 8/18/2004 6:10 PM


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Re: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2004, 06:23:01 PM »

So Jeff is a Rotogrip rep now? hmm...

I have been for quite some time,...Roger even elluded to it a while ago in a post, ..yes, ....and did you notice "rep" in quotations ? couldn't tell ?
There is doing in not doing

Edited on 8/18/2004 6:33 PM


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Re: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2004, 06:57:31 PM »
Just received a nice reply from DJ via PM...thanks...

"it's all good"  sorry for the mis-interp
There is doing in not doing


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Re: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2004, 02:34:56 AM »
Well me being the friend that I am to DP3 and knowing the love that Jeffrevs and I share for Roto Grip, I must make some needed comments.

First thing to Jeffrevs:
As being a friend of DP3 for a little while now, I have noticed that he does not like Roto Grip pieces and always likes to out do any great piece that they produce.  Although as quiet as its kept he did throw the SS pearl and the Blue Retro ressurection very well, but he traded them, odds are because they were Roto grip pieces and he liked them.  So thats why he went after the Oracle.  And I have thrown an oracle with a negative pin that was WAYYYY to big for me and the ball was a MONSTER, so don't worry DP3 will see the wrath of the Oracle when I get mine punched up.

To all:
What DP3 says is true, except that this ball outhooks the Oracle(I disagree), but anyways this is one heck of a ball.  I watch DP3(who is a little Rev challenged) just work the whole lane with the Goliath, and there is a lot of oil at Laurel.  The movement of this ball is so smooth, But still SOOOOOOO much, I swear when the ball hit the pin deck it started making anther move. Bottom line, THE BALL HOOKS.  But this isn't your regular particle, I saw no burn out when the ball hit the dry, it just kept on moving.  It was very impressive.  If you like Brunswick and need a heavy oiler, get this ball.  If you don't like Brunswick step up to the ORACLE. LOL


BTW-sup Tony, its James
June 3, 2003 First 600 Series(208,258,170)!!!!!!
Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

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Re: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2004, 01:48:07 PM »
Thanks for the clarification James.
*Don't swing it if you can't bring it.*


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Re: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2004, 01:34:27 PM »
Hey might want to fix that little synopsis since you got to watch me throw Goliath first hand the other day.
-DJ Marshall
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Re: Goliath first impressions! W.O.W!!
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2004, 11:29:01 PM »
  I said that the ball hooks, I just don't think that it wants to see the Oracle, but have no fear, mine came today.  Its gonna be punched up soon

June 3, 2003 First 600 Series(208,258,170)!!!!!!
Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

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