This ball is for my Dad.
He's left handed, high track player, 3/4 roller, low rev rate
and has medium speed between 13 and 15mph.
I had his Goliath drill 4 x 2 before but it went too long and arc really
slow. So i just plugged it up and it's ready to be drilled.
I want him to use this ball on long med to heavy patterns with fresh backends.
The only layout i had on his other balls was the free spin leverage with the Pin under the ring with the cg kicked out in the thumb quadrant with a x-hole.
He likes this layout but i think it's too controlled in the back sometimes.
I have his UI drilled 4 x 4 and it rolls nice but it goes long but that's because of how that ball is.
I was thinking of a 4 x 4 or 3 x 3.
Give me your opinions people.
"Learn to throw a lot of strikes" - Tony Reyes