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Author Topic: Got a ZC Red instead of Green by accident, drilling, other questions.  (Read 1889 times)


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I am a down and in player with tweener speed and low to medium revs.  I ordered the ZC green for an all around, first ball out of the bag deal.  I don't know if I can be patient enough to rectify the problem, much less with the hassles of shipping stuff around, so I'm thinking of drilling it up anyhow.  Right now I have a Sling Blade that I've been using, and I also got a Big Deal that I ordered with the ZC.  So then, any recommendations on:

1)  Should I keep it?  Will a down and in player with the arsenal listed above find it useful?

2)  If I do keep, how should I get it drilled?  I was thinking of getting a pretty strong drilling, as I would like to be able to use it in league play, house shots and medium tourney conditions.  (The Sling Blade works alright for the dry already, a little over/under sometimes, but good enough.)

3)  Would it be useful to get a Green Pin as well if I do decide to keep it, or will maybe an Absolute fit somewhere in that line up?  If you have another ball you'd recommend to fit in, I'd gladly listen.  

Thanks guys, I'm just still unsure what I want to do.  I was fairly disappointed when I opened up the box and saw the red pin staring me in the face, though perhaps it will turn out to be for the better, who knows?  

Edited on 6/3/2005 3:04 PM



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Where'd you get it from?  I highly recommend you return it.  They are NOT the same ball, at all.  Not to mention you're getting ripped off since the green pins cost more.

Sure, you could fit it in somehow, but you paid the price for a green pin, so wherever you bought it from, they should either give you the normal one, or compensate for the price difference.
- Andy

Brunswick...........'nuff said.


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ak technically he didn't pay anymore cause he won it from the drawing but ryan I emailed my distributor about it and waiting to hear back from him.  Don't worry brother I will try to take care of ya!
Ike Brownfield


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ak technically he didn't pay anymore cause he won it from the drawing but ryan I emailed my distributor about it and waiting to hear back from him.  Don't worry brother I will try to take care of ya!
Ike Brownfield

Ah, I see.  Sorry then.  I thought he had bought it from an internet site or from someone or something like that.  Well that's not bad then.

But like I said, you could fit it in your arsenal (but with another ball), but I think the green pin would still be better.
- Andy

Brunswick...........'nuff said.


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Thanks Ike.  But to be perfectly fair I paid $100 for the Classic and won the Big Deal (which is fine btw!) in the drawing.  


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I was considering the possiblity of getting yet another ball, so we'll see what happens.  I just don't want to have to wait more lol!


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I have red pin now i had 2 green pin ZC's return the ball and you will be a happier camper or just have ike refund you some dough. The red pin and sling blade are going to be very close on range of shots, so its your call but i call tell you in my case red pin is easily 6 feet longer than either of the 2 green pins i had.


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I have Green pin ZC in stock for $100 shipped.  15 and 16 lb.  LMK
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