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Author Topic: C 3.5  (Read 1435 times)


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C 3.5
« on: May 05, 2010, 09:48:36 PM »
I need some help. I'm looking at picking this one up, for longer / flatter patterns.  I've had the Virtual Gravity and the Invasion, they were drilled different, pin up on the VG and Invasion pin stacked, drilled 4 / 4  of my pap. I'm not sold with the Storm stuff, there hit or miss with me.

I'm a loyal Legends / Lanemasters follower and wanted something different to use in tournaments.  I've seen this ball used and it appears to move through heavier patterns.

If possible, can anybody compare the 3.5 vs the VG or Invasion? What's stronger midlane, backend and with carry down?  The last Brunswick ball I owned was sometime ago, it was the Ultimate Inferno, shot 810 with it!

All replies welcomed.




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Re: C 3.5
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2010, 08:52:42 AM »
My experience with 3.5 is that it reacts to friction like none other.  It tends to go longer than people expect, but then it hits friction and come screaming into the pocket.  I hear or read that people have issues with it going too long with a pin up drilling.  I guess for heavier patterns I would think about pin down to get it to start up a little earlier.  The ball also takes to surface changes very well.

I would think that the VG would be stronger midlane with the 3.5 far stronger on the backend.  All depends on drilling and surface prep.

I don't have a VG, but I have a Cell solid.  Not the same I know, but it's the closest thing I have to compare.  The Cell is definatly stronger in the midlane and has a nice even arc shape, My 3.5 goes longer and finishes harder.  It's not skid/snap its more like skid/hook/snap if that makes any sense, lol.  Both balls are pin up and oob surface.
Roto-Grip Cell Pearl (1000 + Secret Sauce)
Lane #1 Chainsaw (2000 + Secret Sauce)
Roto-Grip Cell (2000 abralon)
Brunswick C-System 3.5 (500/4000 siaair)


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Re: C 3.5
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2010, 10:01:01 AM »
I have a 3.5 and a VG drilled almost identical. Both are 45x4x30 pin up and at 2000ab surface. The only difference is a hole was needed on my pap on the 3.5. I would've liked a lower hole but it was a short pin so the hole had to be higher than we wanted to keep it legal.

The VG has a bigger mid-lane move but isn't as continuous as the 3.5. The 3.5 is very continuous once it picks up the mid-lane. For a pin up drill it's very smooth. From my experience I'd say the VG can handle a little more oil. But overall I like the 3.5 better and find it more useful on a wider variety of conditions. I'd say the 3.5 is useful on medium to med-heavy conditions. The few times I've hit carrydown I've had to put the 3.5 away in favor of the VG or a pin down Special Agent. A pin down 3.5 may be able to handle carrydown better or handle heavier conditions better. My stats are in my profile for comparison.