First off, I am primarily a Storm guy. I don't have too much brand loyalty, I just like to throw what strikes. I'm actually not too impressed with the Reigns so I figured I would try something different.
I've thrown several recent Brunswick balls (Wild Thing, Wild Card, Wild Ride, Fury, Twisted Fury, Twisted Fury Solid, Siege, and probably a few more. They have all been used balls just sitting around the shop so I figure I might as well plug them and see what happens. I really haven't liked any of them. The Wild Card was actually OK. Nothing compared with the Hy-Roads, T-Roads, 2nd Dimensions, Virtuals, etc.
I was finally convinced to punch up a NIB C-System. Drilled it win the pin in my middle finger which is about 6 1/4 inches from my PAP. Mass bias about 3/4 of an inch right of the thumb. Everyone told me to drill it weak so I listened. I'm a high speed, high rev player so I was hoping it would be good for playing to the right. Left it at box finish.
What I got was an absolute monster! The ball doesn't hook very much, which is exactly what I expected with such a weak drilling. But the motion it makes in phenomenal and it goes through the pin unreal. The carry percentage is very high. I've never had a ball read the pattern so well and still let me play in the dry part of the lane. Usually the balls never hook, or they go sideways off of the dry.
Great job Brunswick, hopefully some of your newer products will match the type of motion the C-System gives! I can now say that I have a Brunswick ball in the bag! I might have to try the 3.5 soon...
Two Hands are better than one!!