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Author Topic: had to buy it for a friend...NIB gtb  (Read 1672 times)


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had to buy it for a friend...NIB gtb
« on: January 23, 2005, 01:17:02 PM »

he loved the "get ten ball" ball back in the day(not sure if he used it when he bowled pba,70s and 80s)

btw do pba tour players still end up throwing balls out their cars on the highway still?
 as my ex pro teammates remember happening all the time back in the day....he(in the 70s,80s)..her(early 90s)

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Edited on 1/23/2005 10:18 PM



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Re: had to buy it for a friend...NIB gtb
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2005, 10:23:14 PM »
Yeah, I saw that auction.  If it would have been a 16, I'd have been all over it.
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Re: had to buy it for a friend...NIB gtb
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2005, 10:37:29 PM »
The one I see there is 15.14.  Unfortunately, Brunswick was using decimal values for gross weights back when the GTB was being made, so that's "15 point 14," not 15 pounds, 14 ounces.  

I'll keep looking, though.
"Dispensing conventional wisdom to a fingertip world."

Horrid in Doubles, torrid in Singles...
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Re: had to buy it for a friend...NIB gtb
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2005, 01:32:45 AM »
teammate threw it tonight...avg. 230 with it.  One of the most fun nights ive seen him have in a long time bowling.

drilling it was an adventure...1/2oz side 1/2 oz top

the ball is so hard that it would stop the drill, stink up the whole shop, started to catch the carpeting on fire(from the heat of the rubber flying off the drill bit)

did gtb mean "get ten ball" or "god throws brunswick"?
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Edited on 2/10/2005 2:29 AM

Edited on 2/10/2005 2:30 AM


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Re: had to buy it for a friend...NIB gtb
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2005, 11:59:06 AM »

the ball is so hard that it would stop the drill, stink up the whole shop, started to catch the carpeting on fire(from the heat of the rubber flying off the drill bit)

Same thing happened when I put holes in my Crown Jewel, possibly the worest smell to come out of that shop. The bit was was giving dirty looks afterwards. I think the hardness on those things are like 300
Brunswick 04-06
Member of the Brunswick Nation!

funny you say that....the day before(according to the shop guy) he was drilling a crown jewel and it did the same thing and blew the breaker for the drill press.

i mean people from the front desk were walking in asking if everything was alright!
YOU HAVE NO MARBLES!! - major league 2

Edited on 2/10/2005 12:55 PM

Edited on 2/10/2005 12:56 PM