Not having seen you bowl, it would be difficult to recommend a specific layout. That said, though, I've seen a number of local bowlers have success with a layout with the pin at 4" to 4 1/2" from the PAP, and the PSA locator in a strong position. This gets the ball started sooner, and takes some of the "bow" out of the break. If you can use this layout and kick the CG, even better; this will give you the leeway of adding a balance hole to further tweak the reaction if needed.
I have a ZC Red Pin in the closet that I'm thinking about drilling, and I'll probably go with a layout similar to this.
Also, the surface on the ZC Red Pin is *very* friendly to surface adjustments, so don't be afraid to put it on the spinner if needs be.
...formerly "The Curse of Dusty," and "Poöter Boöf" before that...