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Author Topic: Help! (to many balls) *suggestions*  (Read 1317 times)


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Help! (to many balls) *suggestions*
« on: July 28, 2005, 04:53:52 PM »
Ok so i have bought alot of balls lately, to try some stuff during the summer and see what works for me. Since the fall is comming around im looking for spots for these balls and uses.

Classic zone (pin below ring psa 45  deg) X-hole on VAL below PAP
Impulse zone (pin above ring psa 45 deg) X-hole on pap
SlayR (rico 1)
Inferno (pin above ring) X-hole above pap
Absoloute Inferno (pin above bridge) Small x-hole to remove excess weight
Recharge (pin above ring) no x-hole

All balls are in OOB conditon, or need to be brought back to that condition. Changing surfaces is not out of the question, i know i dont have anything for like heavy oil, but i dont really need it, havent seen any tournement action yet. Stats are in profile, as well as a video to get an idea of my bowling stylee! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys.
AIM = y2moe99

Edited on 7/29/2005 0:51 AM

Edited on 7/29/2005 0:53 AM

Edited on 7/29/2005 1:02 AM



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Re: Help! (to many balls) *suggestions*
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2005, 11:09:24 AM »
The ZC and inferno in box condition should be good for that?  As of right now i hate them on my THS that is med/light.

I have been thinking about getting something more weak similar to the slayR that will push down the lane further.  The AI with pin above bridge is still a very strong ball, and it has the furthest pin-pap of any ball i am currently throwing.

AIM = y2moe99

Edited on 7/29/2005 11:03 AM


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Re: Help! (to many balls) *suggestions*
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2005, 02:59:02 PM »
placing the pin above the fingers will give you more length but if you really want to add some length to your brunswick equipment try changing the surface preparation of the coverstock. by wetsanding the ball to a finer grit and applying polish you'll be able to get the ball down the lane better.


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Re: Help! (to many balls) *suggestions*
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2005, 12:14:27 AM »
Yea, i know that. I was thinking about trying that with one of the balls.

All of the balls are low rg balls with strong activator based covers. I see that im lacking something more like my SlayR and Recharge(1500 grit polished OOB) with a weak cover and a higher rg.

FWIW i tend to like to leave things OOB, just because. But with all the stuff i have laying around, i wouldnt be totally against trying different surface prep's.
AIM = y2moe99