Well, I'd also basically suggest either an Absolute Inferno or the Smokin' Inferno. The AI should be easier to control and work better on oilier conditions, though, the SI can be quite spasmic and condition specific. I think the AI is more versatile.
The Vapor Zone is an option too, a go-between the AI and SI. If you have an experienced ball driller at hand who knows your game and how to drill asymmetric core balls, this should be the best choice for you: control and backend pop at the same time.
Another option beyond Brunswick could be a MoRich Shock & Awe. Activator+, liek the AI and VZ, but glossier, with a fiendishly aggressive asymmetrical core. This thing hooks, you can bet, but you definitively need a good ball driller to make the ball work for you - more than with a VZ!
And a final alternative besides Brunswick is IMHO the XXcel from Ebonite. Big hook, smooth, controllable (light laod particle), well suited for medium to medium-oily conditions. Also asymmetrical.
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
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