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Author Topic: what to do?  (Read 1387 times)

Rc Charger

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what to do?
« on: February 09, 2006, 09:27:19 PM »
So after talking to my father in law about how the lane conditions were last night. (had to work)  I have come to the conclusion that I need a a earlier rolling ball.  The first game at this house (wood lanes) usually I can throw my punisher the hole game but by the the end the oil get pushed down the lane something wicked.  I struggle the secong game but by the third I usually can find it(last week i bowled 243-146-244 pretty consistenet right?) I have stuggled to get my nemeisis to roll up so I was thinking of getting a ambush but not sure if it would be stong enough.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: what to do?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2006, 05:37:35 AM »
From what you describe the lane seems to be grippy and not overly oily - when the Punisher works from the start.

From this desdcription and the fact that the Nemesis does not work (probably burning up, lack of head oil), I do not think that you need something strong as an Ambush - it would probably end up quite the same.

How's the Punisher drilled? If it is drilled for length/snap or stacked leverage, a possible solution could be another one with a rollier/earlier drilling, pin under ring for a high tracker (drilling pattern 2E or 3E from Brunswick). A Power Groove pearl reactive or a Power Groove Dry/R would be an option, too, since they are weaker than the Punisher and have a higher RG, thus saving energy for the backend.

A perfect ball for your situation (although out of production for 2 years now) would be the Popwer Groove Proactive Plum Pearl, a polished light load particle ball with a high RG and a milder coverstock than the Ambush. I am not sure if a polished-up Black Sparkle Power Groove would do the same, the Black one might be a touch stronger. These balls are/were smooth on medium-dry conditions, and the particle would help on carrydown and avoid skid/snap spasms.

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany

Rc Charger

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Re: what to do?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2006, 04:54:47 PM »
Punisher is label, nothing fancy what so ever I have drilled up a powergroove dry/r and had little to no sucess (pin stacked under the ringfinger)to much length.  What would be the way to tell the difference between grippy and oily lanes playing the backend?  As of late this place double's up the head oil but  I really think that the heads are shot and the oil carries down.  It really has/is a tricky shot, in the past 4 years of bowling there has never been consistent.  Thanks for the input

Brian Green

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Re: what to do?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2006, 08:55:33 AM »
i would recomend the rampage.....  should give u the same look as the punisher just a lil bit earlier
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