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Author Topic: Help me, ye nation!  (Read 901 times)

Gene J Kanak

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Help me, ye nation!
« on: March 18, 2005, 01:20:29 AM »
Hello fellow B-chuckers,

I'm headed to tournaments each of the next two weekends. Here is what's in the bag and the condition I use each on:

Heavy Oil: Real Deal
Med-heavy: Ultimate Inferno (Polished--for control and an even look)
Med-heavy: Absolute Inferno (haven't used it yet)
Med-heavy: Blade Solid (Polished--used to open up the lane from deep inside)
Medium: Blade Pearl (1st out of the bag)
Med-Light: Blazing Inferno
Spares: Target Zone

  Before anyone jumps on me, I was a 100% Hammerhead before realizing that the Inferno line is just too good to pass up, so don't give me crap about the Hammer gear in there.

 Here's the question, what gaps do I still have. Personally, I feel that with the surface prep, drilling and hand positions that I can create, I have just about everything covered. What do you guys think?

 Secondly, I am very intrigued by the Classic and Impulse Zones. Where would those fit in my current arsenal? What balls would they replace, or what space would they compliment? Any help that you all-knowing Big B Bashers can give will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for the help.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 320 : )



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Re: Help me, ye nation!
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2005, 09:35:06 AM »
No one cares that you have "hammer" or your a "hammer head" in your arsenal, relax mate.

IMO the classic would be a much better ball at opening up the lanes.  It will give you a much different look than anything in your current lineup, depending on drilling it may look similar to the AI, being low rg, pearl reactive.  But besides that it should stand out on its own.
AIM = y2moe99