I still haven't gotten mine to work for me yet. I'm going to experiment with some other releases, but as of now I'm not happy with mine. I drilled it with a basic label drilling. I'm a lefty tweener with medium-high revs and medium speed and 90 axis rotation. So I really come around the ball when I bowl (similar to Pete Weber). As for my purple pearl, it doesn't seem to move at the sight of oil, but once it hits dry it has the most angular hook I've ever seen. Many times after hitting the pocket, I will leave an 8 pin (which would be the same as a 9 for your righties). Also, for me to hit the pocket with this thing, I have to play a pretty big inside line. I also usually have to put more speed on it then I usually do for this thing to find the pocket, otherwise it just goes brooklyn. So far the carry has been horrible, but hopefully I will get this thing to work out for me and I will update you with the results. Feel free to message me if you have any more questions.