If I might make a suggestion ...
YOu did not mention that your ball had a weight hole. From your description, the ball could have one. It has the potential to make your ball flare a little earlier and little more than it does now. Before plugging the whole thing, you could try one: I'd suggest placing it 2 1/2 - 3 1/2" below your PAP, on a line from the center of the grip thru the CG.
Also, to reduce over/under, you could also scuff the surface slightly with a green nylon pad (about 600 grit) by hand. (With a light scuffing, the ball won;t be at 600 grit;it'll just be a lot less shiny. This will help it read the midlane better and earlier. While it will hook slightly earlier (with more scuffing, it will hook earlier still. As long as you don't sand the entire ball, it should hook too early.) with all the backend this ball has, it should still be able to retain plenty of energy. YOu just want it early enough to reduce the flip and the over/under.
If you feel like trying them, I'd try the scuffing first; then the weight hole. If you intend to plug the whole ball, the weight hole will only be another hole to plug.
I just picked up a Smokin', FWIW, and I intend to put the pin at the ring finger hole and kick the CG out a little, probably a 4x3 type of drill for me.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."