I've been on the lookout for a Quantum for quite some time now, patiently trolling Craigslist and Ebay for a bargain. I'm all about the bargain balls.
This morning I saw an ad on CL for this:
Have a used bowling balls carrying bag, red and has wheels, so no sweat.
Has three bowling balls plus an extra one, quantum brand etc.
Only asking $40 for all or best offer.
So I called the guy up and cruised down there. I got me a second drill Fire Quantum, a single drill Navy Quantum, a single drill Columbia 300 Pit Boss, a hammered Nitro/R, and a 3-ball roller for $40.
Came home and threw the Quantums on the spinner, put the Nitro/R in the garden with some other throwaways, and left the Pit Boss alone. The Fire is definitely a 15 lber with a nice stacked layout and a weight hole. The Navy and the Pit Boss are lighter... we'll see what they weigh and then I may sell them. Figure I can get at least my $40 back and have a Fire Quantum and a nice 3-ball roller for free!
Pics here: