Watcher, i disagree with your statement. Some people CAN use all equipment, i personally cannot. I havent EVER found a storm or track ball that fit my game well, nor have i ever liked anything from ebonite or lane 1. From my experience, 2 companies fit my game, hammer & brunswick. Now, i AM aware that ebonite now makes hammer, but i still feel that the hammer line is better than the ebonite line.
To say everyone needs to use different companies is not always true. If your game permits the use of any companies eqiupment, awesome, mine doesnt.
BTW, my arsenal right now is
Morich TSA(selling it soon, just dont really like it much)
Raw Hammer Pain
Raw Hammer Doom
Black widow
Smokin inferno white pin
Im about to buy a total inferno, shine it a little, add a flare increasing weight hole, & drill it fairly strong, so it will fit a bit above my pain.