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Author Topic: Brunswick BVP Rampage Owners: Your thoughts & Opinions?!  (Read 1367 times)


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Brunswick BVP Rampage Owners: Your thoughts & Opinions?!
« on: June 20, 2006, 06:10:27 AM »
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to see if any of you Rampage owners would like to chime in.
I have one of these coming in this afternoon.
15.3 lbs, 2-3 Pin & 3.3 TW

From what I've seen, many of the owners of this ball have said it is stronger
than advertised. Would love to know how this ball worked out for you.

Could you chime in with some info, like your style, your layout, and what conditions you were able to use it on? Were you able to tweak the coverstock and was it open to surface changes? So far the reviews in the reviews section have been helpful as well.

Ram...Page =)
Food is good for you!

Edited on 6/20/2006 2:07 PM



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Re: Brunswick BVP Rampage Owners: Your thoughts & Opinions?!
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2006, 01:11:12 AM »
I had one pin under bridge, cg out slightly with no weight hole. Driller left room to add a flare reducing or increasing hole.

Threw it for a few games, it rolled VERY strong, to strong and to early for me on the THS.

Added a small flare reducing x-hole, not sure of the inital depth. Still moved to much and to early on the THS, if i could throw the ball right it carried like a tank.

Then i stated playing with surface changes, wet sand with polish etc. Found a good combo 800grit with polish. I was able to play in my "comfort area" with the ball, slight swing standing around 30-35 throwing it out to 15 and about 10 at teh break.

On fresh patterns it was just to much ball for the clean backends i seen, but as i used it on open bowling and broken down conditons it would really shine.

*stats are in my profile*
AIM = y2moe99

Joe Jr

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Re: Brunswick BVP Rampage Owners: Your thoughts & Opinions?!
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 01:27:49 AM »
Love my Rampage. Pin over middle, 1500Grit wetsanded. It's clean up front and has a strong backend reaction. Not much to it, it just does it great. For me it fits between the Ambush and Zone Classic. I use it when I need something stronger off the break then the Ambush or something cleaner up front then the Classic.
- Joe
Formerly Richard Cranium


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Re: Brunswick BVP Rampage Owners: Your thoughts & Opinions?!
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2006, 07:23:16 AM »
Another Rampage lover here, 5 1/2 by 5, pin above bridge.  It is long and strong.  On most house conditions, you could put a 4 x 4 on it and it would shine.  I use mine for later games in tourneys and when I need something to kick alittle more on the backend.  

I used my during singles at nationals, playing 15 to 10, shot 698.  I really love the reaction...


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Re: Brunswick BVP Rampage Owners: Your thoughts & Opinions?!
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2006, 03:29:07 PM »
BR Family,

You guys are awesome, thanks for the feedback. I figured this would be a good ball to use on the Christmas Tree type pattern we are seeing on our Thursday night scratch league.

I have been chasing the oil in with a 600 Grit Ebonite Big One or playing just inside 3rd arrow with a U-Turn Particle Pearl with pretty good results. I would like to see if I could play the dirt earlier and go up the drier track area with a Rampage drilled 4 3/4 x 4 3/4 (Pin just over ring finger with CG stacked below it or kicked out a pinch just above midline). This would allow me to use a pearl on the dry with enough power for the back without chasing the oil in as early in the set.

Thanks for the all the help and keep em' coming if any of you guys have more feedback.


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