I call this the Brunswick Monster Garage Balls Spinner since I put it together Monster Garage Style and it only spins Brunswick Balls. I did have to use a old house ball I found to see if it worked though, to make sure it was all balanced and what not. Wasn't hard to build but calculations took me awhile... This is what it is made of:
STAND - Sunbeam BarBQue Grill - FREE
ENGINE - Two Speed A/C Motor - FREE
PULLEY - Muray Lawn Mower - $5.00
BOWL - Stainless Steel Salad Bowl - $4.00
BARINGS - Muray Lawn Mower Quill Assemble - FREE
SWITCH - Light Dimmer Switch - $3.00
BELT - Napa V-Belt - $3.00
TABLE - Scrap Plywood - FREE
BUILD COST = $15.00
Take a Look at her...
http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/fleshwound10/detail?.dir=79d1&.dnm=99eb.jpg&.src=phNot bad for a two week garage project and works GREAt too, and heck of alot cheaper than a $250 Donkee...