I'm a stroker and have a UI and looking to buy the AI. Seems we have something in common. Yeah, I have probably have medium to medium low revs, but my tilt changes with the lanes and how I have to play. When I'm playing straight, it is almost right up the back, and if I'm playing a wider angle, you need tilt to get it to come back. Which tilt would I have if I change according to the lanes? I really dont need this ball for control instead a strong midlane read with one of the strongest backends you can muster out of this ball. Would this drilling, BrunsRich, provide a lot of backend and some strong midlane? Since it's kinda on the pricey side, I want to make it right the first time or at least try.
Things to do at a bowling alley- Will continually update
*Bring a small gold idol, demand the other team pray to it.