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Author Topic: HR Terror vs. neXXXus  (Read 1432 times)

House Shot Hero

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HR Terror vs. neXXXus
« on: May 23, 2013, 08:55:35 PM »
Posted the same thread in the DV8 forum. Not sure how brand specific some members maybe, sorry if this is bad form.
Anyone here rolled both balls and/or can give a well informed opinion on the differences of these two pieces? I currently use a Terror and absolutely love it but I've always been interested in the Triple X.



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Re: HR Terror vs. neXXXus
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 08:02:19 AM »
I have both and the HR Terror has a smoother reaction overall compared to the Nexxxus F(p+s). My Terror is drilled pin up and has good length with a strong reaction to friction. The Triple X has a strongest backend reaction for the Brunswick line. My Triple X is drilled similarly to the Terror with a pin up, and it is a lot stronger off the spot. They can both handle heavier oil patterns. If you need something stronger downlane, then a Triple X would be a good choice.
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